Hello Again After A Game of Tag

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When I opened my eyes, I saw Sebastian kneeling beside the bed with his head resting on his arms. There was no sunshine entering through the window, indicating that it was in the middle of the night. Did I fall asleep? I must have had the desire to... I shifted under the blanket and Sebastian stirred as well. He picked his head up and smiled.

"Are you awake?"

"Yes." I reached out to him and he took my hand. "Have you embraced emotion?" I asked.

He rubbed my palm with his thumb, "One, in particular."

With that, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine in a gentle kiss. That was my first kiss. I had never had one, before being reborn nor after. It was warm and soft. My eyes closed and Sebastian took my face in his hands. We stayed like that for a time before he pulled away and knelt back on the floor. I was happy until a thought came to mind.

"Oh, what about Ciel? Don't you have things to take care of?"

He shook his head, "I finished them quite a while ago while you were asleep. The young master gave me no further orders for the night...except for the task of delivering a message to you." I looked at him quizzically. "Lady Elizabeth sends her regards to your health as well as to your deceased pet dog, Sandy."

Sandy. My eyes clouded and glossed over. "Thank you, Sebastian," I said, "but please, could you give me a moment to dress in my nightgown?" What? What is going on?

He smirked, "Of course."

On his way out of the room, he glanced over his shoulder with intense eyes. After the door was closed, I stood and put the borrowed nightgown on before opening a small wooden box inside the bed table's drawer. The demon blade lay in sight of my glassy, glowing eyes. Taking the dagger, I got back into bed and hid it under the covers.

"Alright, I'm finished now."

At the sound of my voice, Sebastian came back inside and made his way to the bed, but didn't kneel down like he had before. Sebastian... "I didn't know you still enjoyed keeping pets," he said in an icy tone.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, "Why won't you come down beside me like before?" Sebastian...

He glared at me. "Something is different."

I got up again and put my hand on his arm gently, "What is different?" He backed away. "Sebastian." Run... "Sebastian," I said again. Then I gained control. I was scared and worried and I let it show, "Run, love."

He nodded and broke through the window and out into the yard of the manor. My emotions and free thoughts were pushed away to the back of my mind and my demonic nature overtook my consciousness. I laughed and gripped my dagger as I ran through the halls of the mansion.

I giggled in a taunting voice, "Where are you? Come out, come out."

My nose went in the air and I took a long breath, catching every scent in the estate. Then I smelled him. He was still outside and was headed for Ciel's window.

"Ah, saving your meal for later. Smart."

Grinning like the mad woman I was, I put the blade between my teeth and leapt towards the earl's room. My body started transforming, partially changing my ears and tail until I got to the door. I rammed into it and shattered the hinges before catching a glimpse of navy colored hair flitting from the window.

"Oh, why do you take all the toys? I want to play too!" I yelled and jumped out the window after Sebastian. "CAn wE pLAy TaG?! i'M iT!! DOn'T lEt Me cATcH YOu!!!!!!!" I shrieked with crazed laughter. Please stop... "tHEre'S nO REaSon To hIdE! i CaN sMeLL YOu!" Twirling the dagger in my hand I sniffed the air again.

"Your nose must be confused," a voice said behind me.

I dropped to the ground mere seconds before being kicked in the head. "oH, yOu HavE tO Be qUicKEr THan thAt!"

I whirled around and faced my opponent. His face was dark and troubled. "Apathada, give Adamantine to me."

"aH, i'M AFraiD i CaN't dO tHAt. yOU SeE, i hAvE mY ORdeRs aND ThEy nEeD tO Be cARriEd oUt."

"Who gave you these orders?"

"hA! MY maStEr, ObVIouSlY."

He frowned. "And who is your master."

I grinned and lunged at him with knife in hand. He dodged with ease and flicked silverware knives from his hand. Three flew beside my head and one grazed my arm, blood dripping onto the silk nightgown.

"Who gave you your orders?"

I growled, "yOU ArE PErsIstaNT. Alright." I motioned for him to come closer but he hesitated. "We will BOTH drop our weapons."

Sebastian emptied his pockets and silver clattered to the ground. I smiled and dropped my dagger. He walked closer to me so that we could talk as civilized individuals.

"Now, if you please," Sebastian looked at me with partial enraged eyes.

Chuckling, I licked the bit of blood off my arm and smirked. "Do you really want to know?" He nodded. "Lady Elizabeth Midford."

"Elizabeth?" I turned around to see Ciel standing behind me from a distance. "I doubt that is the truth. Elizabeth is too naïve to know about such things."

A young voice entered my ears. "Am I, Ciel?" Elizabeth approached him in her pink, frilly dress with a cute smile on her face.

"Elizabeth, why are you doing this?"

She giggled, "Isn't it obvious, my love? You spend more time with Sebastian than you do with me. You love him more than you'll ever love me, and I want to change that."

Ciel scowled, "I do not love Sebastian. He is just another pawn in my game."

"Well," Elizabeth pouted, "I've already gotten started with this messy business so why not finish it now?" She looked toward me. "Apathada. I order you to kill Sebastian so that I can live happily ever after with Ciel."

Elizabeth tilted her head to the side, revealing the contract mark on her neck. It was a star within a star within a circle of thorns. It was very much like Sebastian's but still different.

"Yes, my lady."

I grabbed my real dagger from a fold in my nightgown and stabbed at Sebastian. The blade went through his hand and the wound began smoking.

"Sebastian!" Ciel yelled, "This is an order! DO NOT DIE!"

He cringed at the pain of my demon blade, "Yes, my lord."

My crazed grin and mad laughter resonated through the souls of all mortals present. I cried and laughed as my eyes burned from their usual green, to a glowing white. "CoMe, SeBasTIaN!!!!"

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