This Ridiculous Tea Party...

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When we entered the sitting room, I noticed that the walls were decorated with stars and flowers, party streamers, confetti and an absurd amount of sparkles. I felt like retching right where I stood, but I needed to be polite.

"Ah! Sebastian and Lady Adamantine have arrived!" Elizabeth squealed when she saw our arms linked together. She then led us to our seats which were so conveniently next to each other. "Please make yourselves comfortable."

Sebastian protested, "Lady Elizabeth-"

"No no," she patted his hand and made him sit down, "I am the hostess today. I will serve tea to everyone. Then, I'll bring the sweets!"

We sat there helplessly and I noticed Ciel was also present at the gathering. He was wearing a more fancy version of his everyday clothes, while the other servants of the Phantomhive household were either dressed as princesses, pink bunnies, maids or anything else that a young lady would consider "cute".

"Oh! Lady Adamantine!" I turned and Elizabeth handed me kitten paws.

I blinked. "Am I supposed to wear these -and- drink tea?"

She giggled, "Yes. Don't worry, I tested holding a tea cup with them earlier. It isn't difficult."

With that, she skipped off to bring the tea. For a few seconds, I stared at the paws until I was able to put my hands inside. They were very soft and comfortable so I didn't complain.

"Miss Ada looks so cute, yes she does!" Mei-rin said as she adjusted what looked to be a female genie costume.

A small man sat on top of the table in a pink bunny suit. "Ho, ho, ho."

Finny was trying not to stare at the exposing clothing I was wearing, "Yes, very cute."

Baldroy's cigarette fell out of his mouth and even Ciel had a small reaction to my wardrobe. "Really," I said crossing my arms in front of myself, "it's nothing to be so worried about."

I turned to Sebastian for help on the matter and saw him kneeling at my feet. "That soft tail...those cute little paws...the ears, so innocent of the filth of this world..."

"S-Sebastian?!" I stuttered and stood up, nearly kicking him over.

Mei-rin jumped up, "Oh, Miss Ada! I know what we can do! We should dance, yes we should!"


"Yes!" the maid cried like it was her best idea in all of her life. "Every gathering needs some form of entertainment, I'm sure Lady Elizabeth would love it very much!"

"What would I love very much?" said lady asked when she entered the room holding a tea tray.

Mei-rin spoke before I could even open my mouth. "Miss Ada and I were going to dance for everyone's pleasure since every gathering needs a good source of entertainment, yes it does!"

Elizabeth clapped her hands after setting down the tray, "Oh! Simply wonderful!"

Before I could intervene with my own opinion, I was being pulled to the empty portion of the room. Sebastian watched me closely looking as if he would cry. I sulked but Mei-rin continued to explain what we would be doing. She said maybe a traditional waltz and a "cute dance". I didn't know what a "cute dance" meant, and frankly I didn't want to find out. Elizabeth put a waltz record on and Mei-rin and I danced to it for a good twenty minutes. The men present were watching intently as they sipped their tea and ate sweets. All but Sebastian who was looking around to make sure no one would make any sudden movements towards us. I wondered why he was being so stiff. After finishing the waltz, we turned to the supposed "cute dance" which I had no idea how to perform whatsoever.

"Just do whatever is cute, Miss Ada," she whispered, winking. "It isn't a particular style of dance. It's for fun, yes it is."

"Right," I said unenthusiastically.

Ever since the day of my second birth, I suppose it could be called, I had had a difficult time grasping the "cute" concept. I was confused as to what it was anymore. Mei-rin started waving her arms in a graceful, flowing manner, like a genie. She was very good at it. There was an instrumental piece playing softly in the background as she danced. I stood in embarrassment for a short time before making something up in my imagination. Whether it was cute or not I had no idea, but I began paw at the air while standing with my legs crossed and a pathetic expression on my features. Everyone watched us and Elizabeth bounced up and down with glee. She was enjoying this a little too much. I hopped on one foot and my tail swished behind me as I continued to paw the air.

"Oi, Miss Ada's a natural!" Baldroy elbowed Finny in the arm.

Ciel rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead but kept taking glances at Mei-rin and I. Sebastian was the most dishonorable of them all, lying flat on his back with his fingers twitching. I suppose it was what some call a "cute overload". I stopped when I saw his condition and ran to help him regain his bearings.

"Sebastian," I hissed, "pull yourself together!"

He sat up and shook his head, "My apologies, Ada." With that one sentence, he stood and bowed to the rest of the guests of the tea party. "Please excuse me. I have a few matters to attend to."

I was left kneeling on the floor in my scantily clad, feline costume. "Mei-rin."

The maid halted and stood at attention, "Yes, Miss Ada?"

"Could you please draw me a bath? I don't feel quite right."

"Yes, of course! Right away!"

She left in a hurry to carry out her duty and I stood slowly only to be met by the fierce gaze of the Lady Elizabeth. Her eyes pierced mine before her happy smile returned.

"I'm sorry you feel under the weather," she said sweetly, "Please get well soon."

I nodded and thanked her for the invitation to the tea party. Then, I left the sitting room to return to the guest room to finally get changed out of that ridiculous cat's apparel.

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