A Hot Bath and A Dinner For Two

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"Miss?" a voice said through a crack in the door, "Are you awake, miss?"

I sat up and looked around, "W-Where am I?"

A young maid with red hair tied into twin tails entered, "I'm honored to welcome you to the Phantomhive manor miss. My name is Mei-rin. I'll be the one taking care of you since Mr. Sebastian's preparing dinner, he is."

I nodded nervously, "Th-Thank you..."

"I'll show you to the bath then, miss," Mei-rin said while she helped me stand up.

The maid led me to the bath and helped me out of my clothes. She took notice of my dagger and asked why I wore it.

"It was for my protection," I lied, "My parents died of illness when I was young and my father gave me this dagger to defend myself. I hadn't needed it since I was adopted by a good family...but they left me when I was old enough to care for myself." I wiped a tear from my eye. "Now I carry this so if I am ever in danger, my father's blade will protect me."

Mei-rin had started crying at my story, "I'll keep it safe for you then, miss, yes I will!" She gently placed the dagger and it's strapped sheath inside a wooden box an set it atop my folded clothes.

"Thank you, Mei-rin," I smiled kindly.

She bowed slightly and left me there to bathe. I had also asked her to leave the choker around my neck since it was the last thing I had that tied me to my mother. I settled into the steamy bath water and fingered the charm on my chest. So far everything was going according to plan. Rubbing a soapy rag along my skin, I recalled the time I had last encountered Sebastian. It was so long ago... Hot water enveloped me when I laid back in the large tub. My hair floated beautifully around my shoulders and I sighed. Yes, I didn't need this. It was a desire to humans to feel clean and refreshed. I never once said I disliked cleanliness, but humans found it so important I could not understand why. I suppose it was for the appearance of oneself. The large bath room echoed with every movement I made. Moving in the water made the sound reflect off of the hard floor, walls and ceiling. I enjoyed it. After a time, I decided I had enough and stood. Stepping out of the tub, I stood on a mat in front of a long mirror and gazed at my reflection. My mortal appearance was not something to scoff at. I had to admit to myself that this human appearance was very flattering in many ways. Creamy skin, dark hair, long and slender legs, green eyes. It was enough to make a man cry. I reached for a towel on the rack beside me and wrapped it around my body. Judging from the way I was perceived by the eye, I looked to be about 17 years of age. I laughed inwardly and patted my hair dry with another towel. If only the ones on this earth knew how ancient I was. There was a knock at the door and I answered.

"Come in."

The red haired maid poked her head into the room. "I've brought your clothes, miss."

She handed me a neatly folded pile and I thanked her. The dress that was chosen for me was forest green in color with brown trim and ribbon as decoration. There was a corset along with it as well as a pair of flat, black slippers.

"Would you like some help with tying the corset, miss?" Mei-rin asked.

"No thank you. I am capable."

She bowed slightly and let me alone in the bath room again. Removing the towel from my torso, I pulled the dress on and laced the corset so it would tighten properly. Again, I didn't enjoy wearing women's clothing. It was very uncomfortable. After putting the dress on and tying the corset, I slipped knee high socks onto my legs and put on the black slippers. Lastly, I straightened the wolf pendant on my chest and combed my damp curls. Finally satisfied with my appearance, I walked down the hall and back down the stairs to the manor entrance.

"Ah, you're awake," a voice said to me as soon as my foot touched the polished floor.

"Yes, Sebastian dressed my wound and I took a relaxing bath. It seems that the cut is already healing shut."

Ciel, as I had decided to call him in my thoughts, approached me smiling politely a done would to a welcomed guest. "You look lovely," he said.

"Thank you, my lord," I blushed.

"Please, call me Ciel."

"Well, then thank you, Ciel."

The navy haired boy led me to the dining room where dinner was being served. Sebastian pushed my chair in once I was seated and I thanked him. He then did the same for Ciel who leaned on his arm and set his chin on the palm of his hand. The butler went to retrieve the food from the kitchen and a blonde boy came to my side.

"Here you are, miss," he handed me a small bundle of different color roses.

I took them from him and smelled the sweet flowers. "Thank you."

His blue eyes lit up and he happily jogged out of the room. "His name is Finnian," Ciel said from the other end of the table. "He works in the garden although he'd much rather play in it."

"He seems to be the type of boy that enjoys that sort of thing."

Sebastian came back with two plates in hand. "This evening we have a char broiled filet mignon with a fresh green salad accompanied by tart green apple and vinaigrette. For your beverage, an iced 1732 white wine and berry cocktail."

Ciel took the glass filled with the deep purple liquid, "You are expanding your horizons, Sebastian?"

The butler put his hand over his heart, "A butler who cannot do that isn't worth his salt."

The younger smiled and took a sip of the new drink. I lifted the glass to my lips and noticed Sebastian's eyes flick in my direction. I paused and looked at him carefully.

He smiled at me, "Enjoy, my lady."

With that, he left Ciel and I alone to eat. I stuck out my tongue so that just the tip of it touched the surface of my cocktail. I see, Sebastian. Very clever thinking to create a new drink just to hide the taste of poison. I must say you are trying hard to get rid of me. I set the glass back on the table and traced my finger around the rim. But I'm not going anywhere yet.

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