Chapter NINETEEN - Away from Pitying Eyes

Start from the beginning

I tugged back, feeling the heat and prickle of magic below my skin.


I've always been dangerous but now-

I could be-

No. My parent's wouldn't have-

I couldn't be-

I- I need to get out of here. Away from pitying eyes.

I wanted to explain but the words jumbled and jammed in my throat and instead I barely managed to squeak out "I need... alone..." before tripping over my own feet and beelining for the exit, feeling the weight of Sebastian's emotions hot on my own skin.


The pads of my feet protested as I climbed step after step, thankful for the first time of their seemingly endless supply here. The strain on my muscles a welcome distraction to the questions wreaking havoc in my skull. 




My mind muddled and my legs quickly turned to mush, yet still it wasn't enough to force my gloomy thoughts down. I found myself wishing for a moment away from even myself.

A stray cat brushed past my legs, chasing after a flittering paper crane. It moved so quickly that I nearly stumbled into the statue of a large wizard, hand held outwards and a globe levitating just above its fingertips. It seemed familiar but I paid it little mind, pressing my heel to the floor once more and forcing my aching bones forward.

My parents couldn't have... 

I didn't have magic... I couldn't...





the Devil.

Am I truly destined for destruction?

For death?

Up and up again, I kept my eyes glued to a fraction of floor ahead making sure not to trip on any of the steps, clenching my jaw as if the tension would tie a noose around my thoughts.

I wasn't sure where I was going, only that I needed to go somewhere alone. Somewhere I could breathe in fresh air and perhaps make sense of it all away from prying, pitying eyes.

The walls around soon closed in and the staircase became smaller and smaller below my feet until I was working my way up and around in steep circles. Surely I had to be close to the top, surely there had to be an alcove or a window soon.

The flicker of something above pulled my thoughts away for a moment, the stars of the night glistening overhead. 

I'd finally made it out- only I wasn't outside. 

Stars, galaxies and constellations traced the arched ceiling of the dark room, prying at the edges and threatening to expand past the walls. An enchantment I had only seen one place before.

The astronomy tower.

Finally placing the whereabouts of my wanderings, I felt the smallest prickle of eagerness licking at my heels. The astronomy outlook was so close and I followed that thought ahead, all but jogging up the last few steps and through the archway to a winding stone hallway. Its walls draped with the predictable frames and landscape paintings of the castle along with a large tapestry to my right. 

Movement between it's threads snagged my attention and I paused a moment, watching through the flickering shadows and lights of the overhanging lanterns as a little man waved his hands about feverishly. Four large green trolls watched with hooded eyes and slacked jaws, their waists tied with bright pink ballet tutus and their toes wrapped in matching slippers. 

Again and again the little figure forced his hands in the air, conducting unsuccessfully until one of the trolls nearest whacked him over the head with a bone and the little man would have to start all over again.

Why even try anymore? 

Its hopeless.

The relatable truth to my thoughts struck a little too close to my heart and I pinched my eyes closed, swallowing the thought down to my stomach. I began pacing, willing the weary pace of my feet to clear my head.


I begged.

I don't want to think about it.

A salted tear stung the corner of my eye. I turned again, shoulder brushing the tapestry.

I want to be alone, I don't want to think, I want- I want to- I-

Another turn past the tapestry.

Something rumbled behind me and I whirled around, hand instinctively flexing around my wand.

The stone wall now ahead folded in on itself, cinder bricks dragging and scraping across themselves and something pulsed in the center, gently growing larger and larger. I took a step back, tucked against the tapestry and heartbeat pounding as I watched. Slowly, stone vines wound around in circles, overlapping themselves in slick scraping lines and branching out into thicker, heavier curves. The brick behind them pressed inwards until finally everything settled into a hauntingly ornate doorway, the door itself cracking inwards - a seemingly intentional invitation in.

I stood there an extra moment or twelve, eyes wide and a hint of excitement spreading within my blood.

My mind finally stilling.

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