My gaze shifts to a glare. "Listen Curly, I'm not supposed to stand around talking to customers. Whadda you want?"I glance over my shoulder and through the window into the kitchen.

After the dinner rush, Mira and I have been serving pretty much just coffee all night and I'm pretty sure Bret stepped out to take a smoke break long ago.

Curly follows my gaze. "I haven't decided yet..." He says slowly.

I roll my eyes. "Well when you do, I'll be around," I tell him before walking down the bar to where Mira is still scrubbing her coffee pot.

She looks up as I approach, her gaze drifting to the boy at the far end of the counter. "Why is every boy that comes in here looking for you, scary-looking?" She bluntly inquires. "I mean, that one guy was terrifying, but Curly Shepard..." Mira trails off, tsking as she shakes her head. "What interesting taste in men, don't you have?"

"Interesting taste in people I know." I correct.

Mira shrugs. Her eyes flick from her coffee pot and back to Curly. "I think he wants your attention."

I glance back. Sure enough, Curly is waving me over.

Mira pinches my elbow. "Last customer." She says seriously, holding up her index finger.

Nodding, I strut away.

Curly holds out his menu to me as I stop on the other side of the counter, a toothy grin on his face.

"What'll it be?" I ask, grabbing the menu from him.

"I don't have any money." He responds, still grinning.

I tap my pen on my order pad before shoving it back into my pocket. I can't help but smile at Curly's antics as I grab a plastic cup from under the counter and fill it with ice water to give to the boy. It's the only free thing on the menu.

His smile widens as I set the cup in front of him. "Giving to the poor now are you, little Soc?" He jokes.

I roll my eyes. "Don't call me that."

I take a rag from the sink, using it to wipe down the counter beside Curly.

He laughs. "That's what Tim always called you." He reminds me.

"Don't care," I say, pushing back my hair. "Tim ain't here."

Curly nods, not saying anything for a moment. "When'd you start working here?" He suddenly asks, glancing around the diner.

"Uh... 'bout three months ago." I shrug. "I wanted to start doing something for myself for a change. That and having an excuse to get out of the house is always a good thing."

"I hear that..." He nods, but quickly snaps back to his tough boy routine. "And wow, rich girl, look at you working for yourself!"

I slap Curly with my rag as I walk by him, rolling my eyes. As I walk around the counter to clear off a table that just left, I hear him laughing. While I clean the table, Curly jumps into the booth.


I look up, stacking the dirty plate with silverware and grabbing the half-finished coffee mug. "So, what?" I turn on my heel, making my way back to behind the counter.

Curly follows me. "So... what are you doing tonight?"

I chuckle, glancing up at him while sliding the dirty dishes through the window. "Pouring lukewarm coffee and dealing with Milo and Otis until they have to go to work."

"Connie!" Milo calls just on cue.

Curly looks from Milo to me, chuckling as he does. I shake my head, smiling to myself as I grab a coffee pot.

"Long night?" Milo quizzes as I top off his and Otis's java mugs.

"Long Day but who's counting?" I quiz. "Staying on my feet is better than talking about Lyndon B."

"Never get involved with politics," Otis says, already sipping his coffee.

"Wasn't intending to." I shake my head with a smile.

"Connie," Mira pinches my elbow, coming up behind me. She taps her watch. "God, go home before I force you to."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I was just—"

"I'm walking her back," Curly says as he takes the singular empty seat between Milo and Otis.

We all turn to look at the boy. Mira's glares turn from Curly to me, before she pulls me off to the side while the Shepard is left to deal with our regulars.

I sense the danger before Mira even opens her mouth.

"Girl..." She tsks. "Blink if you need help."

I laugh. "Curly's just a friend."

I turn to leave, but she snatches my wrist. "You do know who his brother is, right? Tim Shepard, gang leader. Ring any bells?"

"I'm well aware of who his family is," I assure the girl while taking her hand. "And I promise nothing bad is going to happen to me," I add upon noticing the wide-eyed look she gives me

"Connie! You're customers scare me!" The topic of our conversation suddenly calls, I look over my shoulder, chuckling to myself as Milo and Otis argue over whether Kennedy or Johnson is the better U.S. president.

"See..." I say to Mira. "He's a good kid underneath all that grease."

The Stars In Your Eyes ✩ Tim ShepardWhere stories live. Discover now