18. - POV from Humans.

Start from the beginning

[Kendrick] "Right... So his presence vanishing wasn't enough of proof for the guild."

Kendrick commented before crossing his arms.

[Kendrick] "Then if you don't mind me asking - What do you intend to do after confirming Arabors disappearence?"

He asked, his tone even more serious now.

This question seemed to catch Gidou off guard, as he remained silent for a bit - thinking of how to answer the duke.
Eventually after a few moments, Gidou sighed.

[Guildmaster Gidou] "I don't know.."

Gidou admitted, before letting out a small cough - seemingly meant to 'cover up' his small confession of not really knowing what to do.

Kendrick sighed, slightly disappointed.

[Kendrick] "Well- then may I suggest a course of action?"

He asked, lifting one of his arms up.
Gidou looked at the duke with slight curiosity before nodding, however not replying with words.

[Kendrick] "I think the guild should do everything in their power to investigate where Arabor could have went."

He began, before crossing his arms again.
Gidou looked at Kendrick a bit confused, raising an eyebrow.

[Guildmaster Gidou] "Investigate? And how are we supposed to do that?"

Gidou asked, his voice slightly annoyed.
He had a good reason to be annoyed - Duke Kendricks suggestion while not terrible, wasn't all that great.

Where would the guild even go to investigate? Arabors disappearence happened already a small while ago, it would be pretty unreasonable to send out adventurers to go look for what was practically a speck of dust in the air.

Kendrick smiled confidently.

[Kendrick] "Perhaps send a few adventurers into the Abyssal Woods? Y'know, the forest where Arabor is supposed to be sealed? Even if he disappeared a little while ago now, there is no way some of his presence isn't findable somewhere in the forest."

Kendrick explained further.
The more and more he explained, the more Gidou seemed to grow annoyed, before eventually the Guildmaster slammed his hands on the table.

[Guildmaster Gidou] "Are you practically telling me to send the guilds adventurers into one of the most dangerous zones in the whole continent to look for dust?!"

Gidou shouted at the Duke in annoyance. Despite Gidous sudden outburst, Kendrick seemed quite unbothered and simply smiled.

The Duke simply finished his cup of tea, setting it to the side of the table before getting up from his seat.

[Kendrick] "What I'm saying is - Send those who are experienced enough to look around in the Abyssal Woods. No need to get so mad Gidou."

Kendrick stated, before walking over to the office door, about to take his leave.

[Guildmaster Gidou] "And what does the Duke intend to do?"

Gidou asked, slowly turning to face Kendrick who stopped at the door, seemingly surprised by Gidous sudden question.

Kendrick simply smiled before looking back at Gidou.

[Kendrick] "I'll ensure that the information about Arabor doesn't spread outside of Ordial. That should give you plenty of room for decision."

The duke answered before opening the door.

[Kendrick] "I'll get back to my own work now. Thank you for the tea, Guildmaster Gidou."

Kendrick thanked Gidou, before leaving his office, shutting the door behind him with a thud.
For a few moments, it was rather quiet in Gidous office - the only thing breaking the silence was the subtle ticking of the clock.

Then, Gidou sighed before walking over to his desk.

[Guildmaster Gidou] 'I swear... The duke will run me into the ground one day..'

Gidou sighed heavily, before sitting down at his desk.
There wasn't much he could do anymore - now all he realistically could do is first await the return of the adventurer party that he had sent out to investigate the Ruins of Abyss.

   Within in the Abyssal Woods,
      At the Ruins of Abyss...

A party of 5 adventurers had finally made it to the infamous 'Ruins of Abyss' — also known as Arabors final resting ground.
In the party there were 2 Humans, 1 Elf and 2 Beast Humans (Humans with animal features or animals but more human like).

[Kell] "Finally... We're here.."

One of the humans complained - a male with brown hair and a classic warrior attire that was in red and black accents.

[Shayle] "Stop whining Kell. It wasn't all that terrible of a trip."

The other human in the party said to him, with an unimpressed stare.
The other three members simply laughed at the two bickering, however did not comment onto the matter.

(This group of adventurers is an A-Rank adventurer party known as ''Dials Spot''.
Their leader is Kell - a male human who has taken up the warrior class.

Then there's the other human of the party - a Sorceress named Shayle.

The last three members are made up from an Elf named Lyka, whose class is Druid - a Beast Direwolf named Drad, whose class is an assassin - and lastly, a half-beast, half-human hybrid named Opal, whose class was a Ranger.)

A few moments passed, before Drad stepped forward.

[Drad] "Anyways.. We were told to investigate the inside, right?"

He asked, looking up at the ancient ruins. Kell and Shayle looked at him before stopping their little bickering session.

Kell cleared his throat.

[Kell] "Mhm- The Guildmaster said that we are take note of everything that looks out of place, even if a little bit."

He replied before walking up next to Drad, who was still examining the Ruins architecture.
Shayle sighed before joining the two males - Opal and Lyka doing the same a moment later.

[Lyka] "It's rather surreal and a bit.. frightening to be here in person.."

[Drad] "Because an ancient dragon that caused mass calamity once is supposed to be sealed here? Yeah, I get how you feel."

Kell laughed a bit.

[Kell] "Alright that'll be enough. Shayle, do you detect any traps or something? Or are we free to go in?"

Shayles eyes glowed for a second.
Her Rare Skill - [Detection]. After a moment, she shook her head lightly in denial.

[Shayle] "No signs of any traps... Up here that is."

She replied, sending a slight shiver down Kells back with the added ending.
Was it really necessary to add such a comment in?
Kell sighed before gesturing to Opal to take the lead.

Opal nodded, moving in front of the group before casting a small light magic spell, creating an orb of radiating light in her palm.

[Kell] "Alright Opal. Lead the way."

Kell stated, placing his hand on his sword in preparation for anything that may be down inside the ruins.
Opal nodded before beginning to walk down the stairs into the dungeon, the rest of the party following suit a moment later.


Hey! Sorry if this felt like a lazy chapter.
However I wanted to get in a sort of different POV compared to our protagonist, just to show off that his actions do have consequences.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

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