Pt. 9

285 6 3

"Hello" = Russia

"Hello" = Japanese

'Hello' = thoughts

(Hello) = Author's note

(Third POV)

Karasuno and Nekoma played many matches. And when I said many I mean many.

Hinata's energy rised more than half than it was before. He wanted to continue playing even though everyone was exhausted.

Well exept for him. In Russia the training was a lot harder than it was here. So that means that Hinata had to do extra training for him not to lose strenght and mucles, which are important.

When everyone was already sweaty, Shoyou only started sweating, This was nothing for him. Expecially since he held most of his strenght back.

"Hey Hinata, how do you still have that much energy?" Sugawara asked the smaller male who now looked at him. "I don't know.." Shoyou said innocently. Of course he couldn't tell them that this was nothing for him since his training back them was a lot worse, so he kept quiet.

Soon a cat-like person decided to approach the energetic male.

"Hey Shoyou.." the cat-like male said.

"Hm? Oh hey Kozume-san, is everything alright? I'm sure you're exhausted" Shoyou asked as he looked at Kenma a bit conderned. Kenma on the other hand blushed lightly.

"No..everything is" Kenma said as he handed Shoyou a piece of paper with his number written on it.

Shoyou smiled brightly and hugged Kenma shortly, than retreating, thinking Kenma isn't the social touch type. Only if he knew that our dear Kozume Kenma liked the affection and wanted more...

(Skip Time)

A few hours later, Karasuno had to leave again.

The Captain's shook each others hand, quite violently if I may add.

Shoyou also bid Kenma good-bye as he entered the bus, sitting next to Kageyama once again.

The Bus ride was quiet and almost everyone slept. Everyone except The coaches, and Hinata.

(Skip Time)

After they arrived the captain and vice-captain made it their job to wake everyone up. No matter if it has to be violently or not.

But of course not Shoyou who fell asleep on half of the ride.

"Shoyou~ wake up~!" Sugawara sung quietly.

Hinata groaned as he slowly woke up. "This is the nicest way someone ever woke me up..." he murmured quietly as he got of the bus and grabbed his things

When everyone gathered together, Shoyou again almost fell asleep. So now he's leaning against  Asahi to try to not fall when falling asleep which hopes will not happen...

But it did.

Just a few minutes ago, Shoyou fell asleep which Asahi noticed.

Asahi being our shy giant was actually mature today and decided to ask Daichi for help...

Right now, Shoyou is being carried by Daichi, who is walking towards Shoyou's house, alongside Sugawara who decided to tag along.

After they arrived, they were greeted by a man around the same height as them. He looked tired but still had a welcoming smile on his face.

"Ah! Hello! You must be Sho's teammates, right?"he asked with a kind smile. 

"Yes, that's right. Shoyou here fell asleep so we decided to bring him home" Sugawara explained.

"Ah! I'm sorry if he bothered you! Do you want to come inside? It's really late now. You could stay if you want. I don't want anything to happen to you and I'm sure Sho also wouldn't want that." the older male said as the two teens just stood there dumbfound by the sudden invite.

"Ah- no need-!" Daichi started but was interupted by a yawn, coming form behind him.

"Why don't you stay..? Just call your parents..we don't have school tommorow now do we?"Shoyou said still tired as he rested his head in Daichi's shoulder as Daichi blushed at the studden move.

"O-Okay if you say so..." Daichi said as he walked inside, along with Sugawara.

"Oh- I apologize. I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Daisuke Hinata." Daisuke introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Hinata. I'm Daichi Sawamura."Daichi introduced himself.

"And I'm Koshi Sugawara" Sugawara also intruoduced himself.

" you're one of the boys Sho always talks about" Daisuke said with a closed eye smile.

"No need to say everything..old man.." Shoyou murmured, half sleeping.

"Haah?! Who are you calling old?!" Daisuke yelled.

"So noisy.." Shoyou said, before falling asleep once again.

Daichi and Sugawara were dumfound by the little arguent those two just had.

"I'm sorry about that. He is a bit grumpy when he's tired...or just in generell when not being nice" Daisuke muttered the last part, unaudible for the two to heard it.

"Well I guess since Sho is already asleep we should go too right?" Daisuke offered as the two younger boys just nodded, already feeling tired.

"You can sleep in Sho's room if you don't mind. We don't really have any other room right now, sorry" Daisuke scratched his neck a bit. The two boys didn't mind sleeping with the sunshine at all.

(Skip Time)

Shoyou, Daichi and Sugawara shared Shoyou's bed for the night. Sugawara on Shoyou's left side with Daichi on his right.

Both teenage boys were nervous and blushed like crazy.

Little did they know that it could get worse than that...


Shoyou decided to cuddle them in his sleep.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

See ya'! ( ゚д゚)つ Bye

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