Pt. 2

405 11 6

"Hello" = Russia

"Hello" = Japanese

'Hello' = thoughts

(Hello) = Author's note

(Hinata's POV.)

School was now over but I still have Volleyball training to I quickly packed my things together and headed towards the gym.

"SHO!! WAIT UP!" I heard a female voice shout. I stopped walking and turned around to see Natasha and Sasha running up to me.

"Why are you running Nat? We still have plendy of time." I asked her and continued walking with them now next to me.

"I know I know but I wanted to walk with you, Sho." she said smiling. I just nodded.

As we arrived at the Gym we were greeted by Victor who was already preparing the net.

We walked further in as Natasha started to tease Victor about wanting to impress me or something. I could care less.

About 10 minutes later the others came along with our coach. 

(Skip Time — After Practice)

We were done with Practice as I got a call.

"person on the phone"



"Hello, is this Shoyou Hinata?"


"Okay. My Name is Officer *****. I need to inform you that your mother got into a car accidnt and sadly didn't survive."

"W-what..? She's dead?"

"Sadly yes. I'm sorry for your loss, Mr.Hinata. I will call you again for further information if that's okay."


(Third POV.)

After the male hung up Shoyou looked at the ground in shock. "She's dead..." he muttered.

The team who eavedropped looked shocked. Shoyou's mother just died. And the only family that he still had was in Japan. What will happen next?

The team knew good enough that Shoyou could care less about the dead of his mother. She didn't treat him like her son and he didn't treat her like his mother. He also had the same question in the head as the others. What will happen next?

A week had passed since the dead of his mother. The officer called 3 days after the first call and informed that Shoyou would soon go to Japan, back to his father and sister. But first he had to stay in Russia for a few more weeks, so his father could prepare his room for him.

Shoyou was currently in class, taking notes. As the bell rung he and Vanya, who was in the same class as him, walked towards the cafeteria.

Sitting on a table they waited for the others to show up.

(Skip Time) 

(Hinata's POV)

Practice was done and I got a call from father.

He informed me, that I will probably got back to Japan at the end of the month. Which means that I only have about 2 weeks left.

As soon as I got the infromation I told my team.


Please suggest a name for Hinata's Team and maybe one or two other Team names for enemy teams! Thanks!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

See ya'! ( ゚д゚)つ Bye

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