Pt. 8

212 3 0

"Hello" = Russia

"Hello" = Japanese

'Hello' = thoughts

(Hello) = Author's note

(Hinata's POV)

Dad did as he said and signed the paper, than giving it back. I was kinda happy because Dad not like 'Mother' is kind. If I had to ask mother I would have to say that i was something like a study-camp or something. Not the best excuse but I somethimes couldn't think of something better.

(Skiptime - 2 days later)

(Third POV)

Everyone was in the parking lot where the bus stands, already packing their stuff inside...well almost everyone.

"Boke Hinata boke!" Kageyama cussed looking pissed.

"Don't worry Kageyama I'm sure he'll come every moment" Sugawara resured.

It's like Sugawara saw it coming as a car parked a few feet away from them and a sleepy tangerine came out with a small tangerine following behind.

"Sorry I'm late! I oversleept!" Hinata said apologetic. The team chuckled a bit before the tiny tangerine spoke.

"Sho should stop staying up late learning!" She pounted. Hinata chuckled lightly. It was like angelic music in their ears. "Sorry Natsu. But as I said before it's a habit that I on't look at the time when I study. Mother always said "Studying can never be enough!"." Shoyo said the last part mockingly making Natsu chuckle cutely.

"WAAAH! You're so cute my dear littly sister! I swear I'll kill whoever tries to hurt you." Shoyou said the last part with a staight scary face. Well Natsu now looked a bit worried because all she understood was 'swear', 'kill' and 'hurt you'.

The team had to start moving or else they wouldbe late, so Daichi decided to aproach Hinata.

"Hey Hinata we should get going if we don't want to be late." He said. Shoyou realized that he was the reason they couldn't drive off so he apologised. Daichi sweatdropped.

Than the driver of the car roled down the window.

"Hey son! Do well in the play!" His father shouted. 

"Dad I'm proud of you!" Hinata said truly looking proud. than stopped and looked a bit nervous "But I need to correct you. It's not play but match haha." He said and  laughted nervously. The oldest Hinata immediataly wrote it down.

"Alright I think we really have to go now." Shoyou said and picked Natsu up.

"Goodbye Natsu! We'll see each other soon!" Shoyou said with a smile and kissed Natsu on the nose than let her dow again and picked his package up.

"Bye dad!" he shouted while walking towards the bus as the others were already inside "Goodbye Sho!" was heard from Natsu andtheir father as they shouted in syncro. 

As Shoyou stepped into the Bus he sat next to Kageyama and waved his sister and father out the window before they drove off.

(After they drove off)

(Hinata's POV.)

"You have a very sweet family Hinata" Sugawara-san said. I looked at him and smiled nervously.

"Thanks but I'mreally sorry that I kept you waiting." I said and bowed my head.

"It's fine! No need to worry." Sugawara-san said and smiled happily, I smiled back.

(After they arrived at their destination)

'It didn't take as long as I thought to our destination' I thought as the team stepped out of the bus.

We lined up and greeted Nekoma, as they had already arrived before us.

Sawamura-san and the Nekoma captain shook each others hands as I noticed Kozume Kenma.

 We met when I got lost a few days ago. We went running and I probably ran to fast for the others. After I stopped running I saw Kozume-san sitting somewhere playing  with a cat next to him. We talked a bit until his friend came. Now that I htink of it I think it was the Nekoma captain.

I than went over to Kozume-san. "Hey Kozume-san! So this is what you ment with 'we meet again' huh?" I asked with a bright smile. He also smiled lightly and nodded. We than continued to talk until Sawamura-san said that we had to get ready.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

See ya'! ( ゚д゚)つ Bye

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