Chapter 1

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Cameron's POV

"Hey faggie boy, come here," said Brent.

Brent took a punch at my gut. He punched my face hitting my jaw causing a sharp pain. He began to shake me.

"Why are you here? Nobody likes you.
Leave us alone or go die already."

"Babe stop just leave him alone. Brent I mean it stop."

"He's a loser any way, it doesn't matter. Why does it even make a difference to you?"

"It's call human decency. You don't need to beat anyone up. He didn't even-"

The bell rang signaling to go to the next class. He slammed me into the near by lockers as hard as he could. I fell to the ground on my head.

Emily's POV

"Help, help someone help. He's unconscious I need help."

I ran in to the office hoping to get some attention. The nurse's office is connected to the main office.

"I need help, someone help. There was a fight and a kid is unconscious."

"Where is he?"

"Follow me, I will show you."

I ran full speed down the hall to where the fight was not wasting a second. All the halls were empty, so I got through a lot faster then usual. He was in the same spot as I left him.

"We need a way to get Cameron back to the office for the nurse to help him."

"I will take his arms, you take his feet and we will walk him down."

"Please can we not go this way, please. This is where the kid who beat him up class is."

He turned around to go the other way. We walked in silence until we reached the office.

"The nurse has left for the day. Please go to class, someone can keep an eye out for him. Before you leave, who was the kid beating him up?"

No, why did he have to ask that question. I didn't want to rat out Brent, but he did do it and he does deserve it.

"I refuse to leave I will watch over Cameron. I can makeup what ever I miss tomorrow and-"

"You need to go back to class. Now who did it?"

"I will only tell you if you let me stay."



"I should have known. I won't tell him i don't want to ruin your relation," he said with a lot of sass and sarcasm.

I sat next to the little bed thing he was laying on. Just looking at him made me feel terrible inside. Cameron is so handsome, not even Brent looks better then him. To be honest Brent is really ugly. I don't even like Brent, but I kinda am expected to date him. The popular girl and guy need to date. Now I'm just waiting for him to break up with me. I was going to hold his hand, all of a sudden him re-positions himself and I'm scared to do it now, he could wake up. I saw a breif second of his wrists and their were scars on his wrists. A few tears filled my eyes knowing why they were there.

Cameron's POV

I fluttered open my eyes to see I was back in the nurses office again. Emily the most popular girl was sitting here next to me. That really confused me. She is the popular girl of the school. Why would she be here?

"Can I help you?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"You are popular, popular people aren't supposed be with the loser. Brent is the one who did this to me, so wouldn't you support him?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Who am I going to tell?"

"I honestly hate Brent, I'm just waiting for him to break up with me."



The last bell rang, finally school is over. I hate this school so much, I can't wait for the day that I graduate. Emily is so beautiful it's unbeliveable. To even think she would go near me, talk to me, or even help me is an amazing thought to me. I don't want this to be a one time thing of talking.

"Hey um, I got to go. Brent will be mad that I'm late, he's my ride."

"Bye, see you tomorrow." Really, why did I say that. I sound so stupid.

"Yeah plan on it."

Emily's POV

Cameron is so perfect.He's kind, caring, funny, and handsome. How can he get bullied? I just don't understand. I stopped at my locker really quick to pick up my bag. Brent was at his car waiting for me, of course.

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