𝟐 ➙ ❝Planning a refusal❞

Start from the beginning

In less than a few minutes, the Princess stepped inside the Royal Palace, guided by Quan Yi towards the Throne Chamber, where her father was at that moment. Her heartbeat quickened, but no matter how uneasy she felt, her expression betrayed nothing. If she had a place to hide her trembling hands, surely no one would have realized that she was actually agitated and worried. So calm and collected was the expression on her face.

In the Throne Chamber, King Chen was deep in thought. His eyes, colored in an electrifying green, with a few wrinkles surrounding them, betrayed his age. His gaze was cold, his bushy eyebrows were furrowed, giving his expression a frightening aspect. His black hair no longer had the same shine as decades ago, nor had it grown. On his head, the gold crown plated with the symbol of the sun shone brighter than ever. With one hand on the throne's armrest and the other vigorously rubbing his short beard on his jaw, he sought a solution in his mind for the new problem that had emerged out of nowhere.

"Your Majesty, I have brought her Highness!" Quan Yi's voice echoed from behind the doors of the Throne Chamber, slightly startling King Chen.

With a simple hand gesture, the man signaled to the two bodyguards, who stood on either side of the large and golden doors, to open them. The two bodyguards simultaneously pulled the handles of the doors, allowing the four individuals to enter the room.

"Father," Lin Su's voice broke the silence, and she bowed her head to greet her father.

King Chen rose from the throne and descended the few steps, pulling his heavy red cloak after him, until he stood in front of his daughter.

"My dear Su." The endearment used by her father calmed the rapid beats of her heart for a second, but Lin Su remained restless. She lifted her head under her father's loving gaze and smiled. "Let me tell you more as we walk," the King spoke again.

"Of course, Father."

They both headed towards the Royal Palace Garden, moving slowly, unhurried by anyone. Behind them, the Princess's two bodyguards, along with two of the King's guards, kept a considerable distance, granting them privacy. Lin Su felt increasingly anxious. Her hands began to sweat, and her throat felt dry. The two continued to stroll through the garden for a good while, neither daring to break the silence that hung over them. Lin Su glanced at the blooming orchids and smiled happily at the sight. Since orchids were her favorite flowers, she was pleased to see that her request from a few months ago to plant as many of these flowers as possible had been heard.

When she was five or six years old, Lin Su discovered the Royal Palace Garden on her own. As she walked, she saw a boy her age leaning over some vibrant pink and white flowers. As she was approaching with small steps, the boy turned his gaze towards her, smiled upon seeing her, then stood up and took a few steps towards her as well. At that time, the little Princess had slipped out of her room without her personal maids or bodyguards, and there were no other servants in the garden at that hour, all being occupied with other tasks in the palace, so she was all alone.

Once he reached her, the boy with lavender-colored eyes extended his hands, offering Lin Su a white orchid. It was the first time anyone had given her a flower, and the first time she had seen an orchid. With lips slightly parted, unsure of what to say, Lin Su reached out with trembling hands to take the flower the boy offered, and once the flower was in her possession, the boy turned and ran away, disappearing from her view.

Since then, she had grown attached to that flower. However, no matter how much she searched for that boy after that day, it was as if he had vanished into thin air. She just wanted to thank him for his gesture, which, though simple, had made her love that flower, but she never succeeded.

"My dear Su," King Chen began in a calm yet slightly trembling tone, grabbing his daughter's attention. "Today, I received another letter from King Hua Kang."

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