❆ PART 4 ❆

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I was inside a room. It was different from other District 11 houses; bigger, even luxurious in some way. The deep, dark carpets, beige leather sofas and framed pictures completed the place.

We pledge our love to you, Panem!

I chuckled, moving my fingers across the picture centered above the wooden desk. Panem was the dream for the people until it became a living nightmare.

After the anthem ended during the repeaing, Trevor and I were taken into custody and put into separate chambers. The peacekeepers moved us to say goodbyes to our loved ones. We each had 25 minutes; well Trevor did. The minutes passed by excruciatingly slow, so I finally decided to sit down. I focused on the ticking clock, its arrows marching to the steady pace.

I was relieved I had no one to say goodbye to. Goodbyes were never my thing; they weren't when even mom, dad or Isaac died.  Goodbyes meant leaving people behind, entering into scary and unknown world all by yourself. Maybe I was a coward for thinking that way, maybe I chose the easiest option or maybe I just didn't want to ever get closure because it would diminish the little hope I have left.

A slam of the door startled me away from my thoughts. I was up on my feet, staring at Peter. His eyes were glaring at me in aggravation, as he tried his best to keep the distance between us. "I can't believe what you just did."

I shrugged even though his words were clearly filled with displeasure. I didn't want to talk to him about anything now. I was confused how he managed to get in. He continued, "I mean, Isabel, we had everything planned. You sneak into the wagon, go to the Capitol, do your -"

I was inches away from him, pushing his shoulder in warning. I looked at the shut door, fearful someone could overhear his rising tone. "Keep your voice down! Do you want them to hear us?"

He gave out a disbelieving laugh, running his hand through his hair causing it to become a jumbled mess. "At this point it doesn't matter if they hear us."

Silence swept over the room. I could understand why Peter was angry. I was his only way of getting back to his family, live his life in normalcy. I risked our plan but who's to say it still wouldn't work?

I tried to form a solid sentence to persuade him, "I was going to the Capitol anyways. This helps me get inside there without causing any suspicion. Plus, did you want that little girl to die?"

Peter looked at me like I grew three heads. He tovered over my small frame, slowly countering, "Let me tell you exactly why it won't work." His dark voice sent a shiver down my spine. Peter always looked innocent but as I watched his every move I couldn't help but notice a dangerous side of him. I backed away as he continued, "You have exactly a week, maybe less to get back what's yours all while acting like you're going to go into the games.

"You won't have that much freedom to roam so unless you have someone inside to let you out when you need it, you'll be stuck with the other tributes, meaning you won't have time to prove your innocence.

I gulped, taking in his words. His eyes were wild as he talked and I couldn't help but rethink my decision.

"And Isabel, everyone knows you are Raven now. Everyone knows how you look, where you are from..." he thought of suppressing what to say but decided to torture me just a little bit more. "And trust me, your family is pretty famous around there but so is that rumor. If people see you, they would do anything to make sure you suffer."

I couldn't breathe. I turned away from him, staring out into the window. The civilians, clothed in tethered dresses and trousers swarmed the streets as they continued on with their typical chores.

He knew what the rumor was.

And he still chose to talk to me.

"You know?" I whispered, trying to find a reasonable solution. Why would he talk to me if he knew my family supposedly possessed danger to the Capitol? "Why?"

His voice softened, "Because I knew it wasn't true. You, one of the founders would never even think about that, it just didn't make sense."

We stood in silence. Founders...a word bringing many different feelings. Capitol thinks of those people with an honor and appreciation seeing them as goodness and saviors of Panem. Districts see them as evil, selfish and killers.

I didn't want to be either. 


The walk to the train station wasn't long. The cameras held tightly in reporters' hands were following our every move. I felt overwhelmed but my expression was neutral as I looked at the front.

I rehearsed Peter's words about our plan failing. Could he be right? Did I sabotage something we have been waiting for a year?What will the Capitol citizens do to me now that they knew I was a Raven? I couldn't help but think of Isaac. What happened to my brother and how did he get through? Did he have problems? What happened to him when the cameras were shut off?

A warm, bony hand pulled me from my thoughts. I looked down to see Trevor staring at me with scared expression. First instinct was for me to pull away. But as my gaze settled on him I tried to suppress the feelings of anguish. He looked much younger than twelve. It wasn't just his height that determined that; he was underfed. His clothes hung loosely on him and I wondered if his shirt was possibly his older family members'.

"Why didn't you volunteer for me?"

We were right by the train station and my feet instantly turned rock solid, preventing me from moving. His voice was innocent, filled with wonder. It wasn't accusatory, rather a simple question that still managed to break a little piece of my heart.

"I couldn't," I admitted, my voice strained. I forgot about the cameras zooming in on us. "I wish I could've but only male civilians were allowed to. I'm sorry."

He nodded a piece of his hair falling over his missing eye. I wondered what happened to him. Was it an injury? Was it something he had since birth?

He was fine with the answer I gave him and continued to walk. I wanted to tell him more. To confess how sorry I was. I followed him as he trudged me along, still keeping his small hand in mine. Two of the peacekeepers stood on each side of the door of the train. As we waited for it to open, I uttered, "Trevor..." his childlike face looked up at me. "I might have not volunteered for you but I'm here. And I'll make sure you get home safe. I promise you."

His face lit up and I squeezed his hand in reassurance. Finally, the doors shrieked opened and we were inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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