Chapter 29

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The following morning, Colora is still crying her eyes out by her desk. Knowing she couldn't get the image out of her head of Loki; falling into the abyss. As Colora is weeping, her mother, Sjofin, peaks her head through the door and sees her daughter is distraught. She sighs and walks into the room. As Sjofin walks a few feet towards Colora, she decides to stop to make her feel comfortable. She looks down then softly says, "Colora."

Colora looks at her mother but then turns away and continues to cry. Sjofin leans down to her and grabs her daughter's arms. "I'm so sorry about what happened sweetheart," she said as she looks into Colora's eyes and hugs her.

"If only I got there faster! I could have saved him! But now. He's gone!" Colora cried out.

"I know. But right now what's important is –"

"Excuse me, Princess," said a Royal Guard as he enters the room. "King Odin would like to see you."

Sjofin let's go of the guard, turns around and says, "Tell him that she isn't feeling well."

"I'm sorry Queen Sjofin, but he said that she must come at once. Even if she is devastated by last nights event," the guard replied.

"Very well," said Colora. "Tell him that I will see him."

The guard tilts his head down slightly and adds, "He said that your servant Harisa and your personal guard Dellinger are to be present as well."

Colora nods her head.

The guard leaves the room.

Once the guard leaves, Sjofin turns back to Colora and asks, "Are you sure?"

"I must. For I have an idea of what he wants to talk to me about," Colora replied without even turning her head to face her mother. Sjofin looks at her with a confused and concern look. Colora pauses then says, "I think he knows the truth. About Loki and I betraying his command."

A few minutes later, Colora, Harisa, and Dellinger are standing right in front of Odin. On Odin's right side is Thor, Colora's father, and her brother Perseus. To his left are Frigga and her mother.

"Dellinger and Harisa, I'm very disappointed in you!" Freyr yelled as he paces. "You knew that Colora and Loki's affection towards one another was forbidden, yet you kept it a secret from Odin."

"Your Majesties if I may. Dellinger, Frigga, Sjofin, and I knew that they should not have done it, but we knew that Odin's law was torturing them. And all we want for Colora is her happiness," said Harisa.

"We know that we are to follow orders from you and King Odin, but our priority is to follow and do whatever Colora asks of us. So Harisa and I will take whatever punishment you give us," Dellinger adds.

Freyr stops as he is puzzled by their testimony. He turns to Colora and notices that she hasn't moved an inch. He then looks at Harisa and Dellinger and says, "Dellinger, Harisa, please leave the room. We need to talk to Colora. In private." Dellinger and Harisa bow before the royal family turns to Colora as they see that she has a particular look in her eyes. They look at each other with concern then leave the Throne Room.

As they leave, Colora glare at her father and King Odin with tears in her eyes.

"Colora. As my guest and senator for Vanaheim, I would have thought that you would have not just followed your laws on Vanaheim, but ours as well," said Odin. He looks at her and sees as she continues to glare at him. This upsets him, and so he stands up, walks and stands next to Colora's father. "When I say the final word, that command must not be broken. Your arrogance, however, has proven that you are willing to defy us."

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