Chapter 17

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A few weeks after Colora and Loki decide to keep their love a secret from everyone, Odin announced that there would be a royal ball for the annual Spring Festival. That afternoon, Colora is fixing her hair and putting on jewelry. Loki smiles and watches her.

"I'm so excited for the festival! I haven't had this much fun since I was a child," Colora expressed as she puts on a necklace.

"What about the party we had when you came back to Asgard? Or when we went to the Festival on Earth?" Loki asks as he leans against the wall and crosses his arms.

"Yes the party your father hosted for me and the festival were fun, but this is going to be twice as fun because there'll be romantic music, dancing"

" - and the most beautiful woman in the room."

Colora turns around to face him and replies, "Oh come on Loki. You and I both know that there will be other gorgeous women that will be at the party."

"That may be true," he replied. Colora blushes then look away as Loki walks toward her, leans down and sits next to her. They smile at each other; Loki glances away for a moment as she continues to get ready. "Loki, I know that since your father is definitely going to be expecting us to be following his rule about us. But do you think we can try to pull it off?" Colora asks.

"Of course we can. We've been doing it for several weeks now," Loki replied.

"I know that. But still. Everyone will be watching us. Seeing our every move and sooner or later expect us to slip up," Colora implied. Loki takes her hand, Colora glances down then back up at him. "Now look at the one who's talking too much," he implies. Colora smiles and giggles. Loki lets go of her hand and lets her continue getting ready. "Colora we'll be fine. We just have to pretend that we're still flowing father's rule by not speaking to each other. I know it's going to be difficult, but we have to try."

"Alright. Besides knowing you, you'll definitely have to be on your best behavior," implied Colora as she touches up her hair.

"Look who's talking. Besides I haven't done anything mischevious lately."

"What about the trick you did to me the other day so you could make me laugh?"

"Well, I did that because I noticed how stressed you were from the meeting earlier that day and I know that you love it when I try to cheer you up."

"By pranking me?"

"Yes, but you know I've done other things to cheer you up that didn't involve pranking."

"Sure," said Colora. Loki stops Colora by taking her hands and has her face him. He twists his body and says, Colora. When are you going to realize that I love you, and I'll do anything for you."

"Darling let me be grateful for what you've done without making promises you can't keep," Colora implies. Loki takes a deep breath. Colora places her hand upon his cheek. "But I do admire that you do try to keep your word."

"Thank you," Loki replied. He takes Colora's hand and kisses it; then holds it.

"I'll see you later tonight, yes?" Colora asks.

"Of course," he replied.


Colora leans forward and kisses him. They look into each other's eyes and take a deep breath as they know that they want to be together for the rest of the day instead of going to the ball. "See you tonight," said Colora. She then stands up and leaves her chambers. Loki watches her and gazes at her beauty as she goes. Sighing at how lucky he is that she is in his life.

Later that evening at the festival, everyone is either dancing or talking to others. At the party, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three arrive fashionably late. Dellinger observes the festival and notices that someone is not there. Harisa approaches from behind and asks, "Wonder where Thor is? I would have thought he'd be here at the party."

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