Chapter 26

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"I found this in his desk in a secret compartment," Colora added as she hands Harisa the notebook.

"Have you read what's in it?" Harisa asked.

"No, I have seen only a few pages but didn't get to read them all."

Suddenly Dellinger bursts in the room and says, "Colora, Loki's returned and is looking for you."

Colora looks at Dellinger then at Harisa. She sighs and tells them, "I need you to read this and see if there is anything that looks odd."

"Alright," replies Dellinger.

Colora quickly leaves the room to find Loki. After she goes, Dellinger shuts the door, turns to Harisa and asks, "Harisa, do you want me to help you?"

"Yes. I think a second pair of eyes is a good idea," she replied. Dellinger walks and stands next to her. "You read, I'll write down what you see."

"Alright," he replied.

A few minutes later, Colora finds Loki by the balcony waiting for her. She pauses for a moment so she could not only catch her breath but so that she can have an idea of how to have him tell him her concern's. Once she has a plan in mind, Colora approaches Loki and hugs him from behind. He turns around and hugs her back as he is happy to see her.

"So where were you?" Colora asks.

"I had to go to Jotunheim to talk to their king if we could have peace, but unfortunately, they still want to start a war with us," Loki replied.

"I had mentioned the incident to father, and he said if you needed help that he would send Vanaheim's best men to you," said Colora.

"Oh, that's great. I may take him up on that offer," he replied. Loki smiles at her as she does as well, but then she looks away as she tries to think of something else to say. Loki notices that there is something on her mind. "Colora, what's going on?"

"It's nothing," she replies.

"No. Something is on your mind. Tell me what's troubling you?" Loki implies. Colora let's go of him and turns to the balcony. This makes Loki curious to what Colora is possibly thinking.

"It's just; I don't understand. Why would someone want to open another portal? What was their purpose?" Colora starts.

Loki stares at her briefly then walks toward her and says, "Not sure. Whoever did it will be severely punished though, that I can tell you."

"I agree but."

"But what?"

"I just feel like their purpose was probably to ruin Thor's coronation," Colora added.

Loki's pupils grow big wondering why Colora thinks that someone would ruin Thor's coronation. "What makes you think that?" he asks.

"I don't know. It was just a thought," she concluded. As Colora turns to face him, she notices that Loki is looking away from her. Realizing that he is hiding and that is making him feel uncomfortable. "Loki what is it?"

"Nothing," he quickly replied. Colora gently takes his hand. Loki looks at her as he sees a look in her eyes. Begging him to tell her what is bothering him. "Come on, tell me. What is it?"

Loki looks down and sighs as he knows that he can't keep any secrets from her. Knowing how she was hurt by Phobos many years ago. He certainly did not want to do that to her. So he turns to her and says, "Colora, I –"

"My Liege," a guard interrupted as he approached them from behind. They turn around as the soldier bows before them. "Warriors Three and Lady Sif have gone missing." Loki stares at the soldier than quickly leaves.

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