Knowing I shouldn't really be reading into it too much, I cleared my throat and broke away by looking down at my shoes. "Well, I suppose it was entertaining. But we're not done for the day yet. So Collins..." I trailed off, holding out my hand toward him. "Looks like it's your turn, sparky."

With a small expression of bitterness and realization now plastered on his dimpled and adorable face, he then sighed loudly, nodding—taking the pack of cigarettes out and eying it like a piece of his new identity was leaving.

But to me, he didn't need it anyway. He was near perfect without.

The Danny I'd always known was a kind and endearing man who could make me somehow joyous and feel moved with nearly every word he spoke. A man who could see the good in everything— despite my many attempts even to steer him away from the job lately.

Then again, I was most likely what must've pushed him to think that he had to resort to a habit like that.

Yet, as soon as he was about to hand it over—another challenge presented.

"Danny!" I shouted, as he kept obnoxiously raising the dumb box above his head so I wouldn't be able to reach it with nothing but a sarcastic smile.

Ugh, curse my tiny short legs.

"What?! I'm giving it to you!" He chuckled out.

"You already know I can't reach that high! Danny, come on! We made a deal!" I kept chanting while jumping and pushing my body up toward him—hiding my own amusement at how he was almost like a freakin' tree compared to me.

But continuing to laugh teasingly, all he continued to do was lean against the motorbike with his hand now in the pocket of his freshly ironed slacks, while trying to make me lose.

But eventually, as I could feel him moving my chest away so delicately like a gentleman so I didn't squirm or raise a tizzy, I saw my opportunity to finally grab it off guard while his eyes widened. "Victoria!"

Knew that would work.

Although, the task at hand turned into the least of my problems since the next thing I knew, I had unknowingly become too close to his brooding and beating chest the way I was accustomed to. He then stared down at me again but more in a bit of an intense manner, before letting out a coy smirk.

God, I felt my heart beginning to flutter a little.

It was like no matter how much I tried, his unwitting charm still found a weird way to creep back underneath my skin. It only seemed to get worse however, because what escaped my mouth next took us both by surprise.


"Yes?" He was quick to answer.

I hesitantly shrugged, "I have a ritzy bash I've also been contracted to attend according to Eddie. It's tomorrow night—and I know my assistants usually throw a parade knowing they get a weekend off from looking at me, because I need one off from dealing with them." He let out a small snicker. "But I do have a plus one. Perhaps you'd like to stop by and see what you can find on the whole Johnson investigation for your possibly big story. Y-y-you know, since we would still technically be working when we go. I wouldn't mind the extra company."

Whew, finally. It was almost as if I had to get my teeth pulled to even get it out.

But as he now looked at me in a way that was surprisingly...disappointed—I already knew it was probably a bad idea I even asked.

"Oh uh...I'm sorry. I can't-" He started to speak.

Ugh, now I felt like such a Dumb Dora—misreading that we were kinda cordial enough to, I guess. Now I just wanted to take it all back and bury my head into an oven.

"Right. That's a stupid thing to say. I honestly don't know what came over me. Let's just forget I even brought it up. Pfft, do what you want. Who cares." I kept muttering, trying to make it seem like I wasn't in pure humiliation internally.

But why did I feel like I was continuing to flounder like a clown fish right in front of him?

Noticing my demeanor, he let out a slight chuckle, "Oh no, no, no. It's not that I won't Victoria! I actually would love to!" He kindly corrected, assuring that it wasn't like he still hated me. I managed to soften up my attitude. "But um...I also have...ya know..."

And then it all clicked. It wasn't a rejection against me, and more like an honest hearted response.

"Oh, I see. Another date from one of your skirts?" He nodded shyly, before I cleared my throat continuing to be so feigning about it—though that familiar sense of regret came back. "Well, that's too bad. Looks like your night's just gonna have to suck more without me then." I replied, in a small joking tone.

Hearing him laugh, becoming used to my sort of dry humor, I grinned before starting to head back inside my house.

Yet, the moment my slightly sweaty palms from the aftermath of inviting him somewhere with me touched the door handle, I suddenly felt like I was strangely being watched like a hawk.

No scratch that, like a raging bull.

Slowly turning back around, Danny's eyes were fixated below my waist in an alluring manner, and my grin turned into a timid smile.

"Are you seriously staring at my butt Mr. Collins, even though you're about to go on a date?" I raised one of my eyebrows up sternly.

Though not reacting in such a shock as much as I deeply was, he simply shrugged and got back on his bike.

"What? Didn't say there wasn't another part of you that still looks amazing." He replied, giving me a sweet yet seductive wink and dashing away.

Nonetheless, my cheeks turned red again on my own doing, and my temperature started to increase—but it definitely wasn't from the rising Californian heat.

God, the things the fella was making me feel all over again. I hated it.

🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥 🎥

See ya next time! 

See ya next time! 

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