Chapter 15

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All the ict members came downstairs at 5.30 in afternoon for pool party and all gathered around the pool and starting jumping down. Virat also jumped in pool and started swimming.

Ishaan and shubman came near pool and ishaan pushed shubman in pool and he also jumped himself. Then all started swimming. The music was on for them in party to enjoy. After some time shubman got tired of swimming and got outside of pool and sat on the chair for rest. Virat saw shubman had got outside of pool and he also went to sit near shubman.

Virat asked shubman did you finish enjoying the pool party shubman said yes i finished enjoying the party. Both went to shower near pool and got ready to have dinner. All ict members had also finished having fun and where having showers to get ready for dinner. All went to buffet and had dinner and went to their room to rest. Virat asked shubman would you like to watch Marvel movie with me. Shubman said ok virat.

Then they both went to virat room and on Netflix they begin to watch movie it was in middle of movie shubman feel asleep on virat shoulder. Virat begin to feel weight on his shoulder and saw shubman had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Virat put off the movie and carried shubman to his bed and covered him with his blanket and kissed him on forehead and wished him good night and he slept on other side of bed.

In middle of night shubman got closer to virat and kept his head on virat chest. In early morning shubman got up from his sleep and saw virat this close to him and blushed and virat also woke up due to shubman movement and said did you have nice sleep at night. Shubman said I had nice sleep.

Shubman went to his room to freshen up to go gym for exercises and virat also went to freshen to go to gym to exercise.

Both went downstairs did exercise and wished each other good morning and went to their room to shower and came downstairs for breakfast.

Today was the day where all ict members where returning to India after finishing their odi tour at england.

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