Chapter 7

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All ict members where practicing on ground. Shubham was bowling one after another balls he was mad on himself for saying his feelings to virat yesterday night due to influence of alcohol.

Virat was practicing batting and was thinking of shubham confession of love to him yesterday. In morning he saw shubham hiding from him and when he said good morning to him he did not even looked into his eyes.

Virat wanted to clarify things about yesterday to shubham and was thinking of which time he should speak to him. After some time practice was over.  All went to dressings room to have shower,go to hotel have lunch and then have a rest after practice. After cleaning themselves up.

All came to to hotel and had lunch and went to their room to rest. Shubham went to his room and touched his bed and fell asleep due to practice. After some hours shubham phone begin to vibrated and he disturbed from is sleep and he saw time on his phone it was 7.30 at night.

It was due to virat message his phone was vibrating. He saw it was virat asking him to go to eat outside with him and talk about yesterday. Shubham replyed Ok I saying will get ready in 20 minutes. Virat replyed see you soon.

Shubham went downstairs after getting ready to go outside for dinner with virat and he saw virat car outside the hotel waiting for him. He sat in car with virat and virat started driving there was silence in car is and the atmosphere was were strange.

After half hour both reached the restaurant where they where going for dinner. The arrangement of their dinner was kept on rooftop. They ordered the food and where waiting for food to arrive. They where alone on the rooftop. Then virat asked shubham do you remember what you said to me yesterday and shubham said i know what i said to you virat bhai.

Virat said shubham i cannot accept your feelings for me . Shubham said I already knew you would not be able to accept my confession and reject me. Virat bhai you should not be affected by confession i will bury my feelings for you.

Yesterday after shubham confession in virat heart is feeling begin to change towards shubham without him know. Virat heard shubham saying my feelings for you will not affect you ever again. After some time waiter same bringing their food.

Both had their food in silence after they went to hotel and they wished each other good night and went to sleep in their room.

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