Chapter 6

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When virat heard sound of shubham crying under the blanket and asked shubham bacha what happened why are you crying did something happen.
Then shubham started to crying louder. Shubham started to speak while crying said I don't know when the person I love will know that I love that person.

What should I do virat bhai I feel were jealous when that person is with someone I don't know that person will accept my feelings. Virat said to shubham bacha listen to me that person will not reject you feeling you are where working and caring person.

Shubham said virat bhai I like you will you will you accept my feelings for you. Virat got shocked due to shubham sudden confession and no words came out of his mouth. Shubham was waiting for virat reply and did not get a reply and said I'm sorry virat bhai for saying my feelings to you like this.

Don't mind my feelings for you virat bhai and go to sleep. I don't want a person in my room. Please go out of my room and leave me alone. Virat was till in shock due to shubham confession and some how came to his room and said what happened.

After some time virat got out of shock and begin to think of shubham confession to him. Then virat was thinking how he is going to face shubham from know on. Virat went to sleep with thought about shubham.

In morning shubham got up from his sleep and his head was paining due yesterday hangover. And got flashback of his confession to virat about his feelings and he thought how he is going to face virat from today.

He went to freshen up in bathroom and came wearing gym clothes and went to gym for exercises and saw virat was also doing exercises in gym after some time both work out was over and both went to shower in their room and came downstairs for breakfast. They wished each other good morning and shubham did not have confidence to look into virat eyes after yesterday night confession.
And both had breakfast.

All ict members went to stadium for practice.

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