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In the evening, we strolled through the streets of Seoul, window-shopping and exploring boutiques.

Only when the night fell did we return to my apartment.

S: What time is it?

WY: 7:20 pm.

S: How about we order some food tonight?

WY: Oh yeah good idea!

S: I want sushi.

WY: Me too.

We sat on my bed and placed the order. We chatted while waiting for delivery.

WY: Today really drained me.

S: Yeah same here. Do you think we're getting old?

WY: Yeah, I think so.

S: What time is your train tomorrow?

WY: It's at 1 pm.

S: Great, we'll get a good night's sleep.

WY: Are you coming to Daegu this summer?

S: Yeah I'm going back in early June!

WY: Cool! - he said all excited. We definitly have to meet up with Yeo, Hwa and Jongho!

S: Yeah, for sure. Oh, by the way, were you jealous of Hwa in high school? - I asked laughing. It's off-topic but I was curious.

WY: Jealous about you, you mean?

S: Yeah, since you mentioned in messages that you thought I was into him.

Wooyoung laughed before responding.

WY: Hell yes, I was so freaking jealous. I felt like you two were in your own little world.

S: But I don't get how you could think that! - I said genuinely surprised. I always had eyes only for you, it seemed obvious to me.

WY: Look at that time when you guys locked me out of your place!

S: Yeah we were stupid about that but it didn't mean anything!

WY: I don't know, I guess I lacked self-confidence at that time... I hoped you were crushing on me but I felt like I didn't deserve to be loved by someone like you, someone who made me feel so good.

S: Someone like me?

WY: Yeah I don't know, all innocent, kind, funny and sincere.

S: Wow, I didn't know you saw me like that... And I didn't know you lacked confidence too, you seemed so sure of yourself.

WY: I tried to compensate by projecting that image but honestly, at that time, things weren't going well. It got complicated with my dad and, as you know, we ended up falling out with the guys.

S: Is it okay if I ask what was wrong with your dad?

WY: He kept putting me down, saying I'd never make a living in music, that it's too complicated an industry. So I stopped singing for two years, but now I'm good. I pulled myself together and stopped doing things just to please my dad. My dream is to sing, so I'll sing.

S: Oh wow...

I remained silent for a few moments, taken aback by what he just said. I'm not sure what to say to all of this.

Our Time Will Come ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Where stories live. Discover now