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The media makes me smile sooo much 🥲


S: Are we walking to your uncle's? - I asked Wooyoung as we left McDonald's.

WY: It's a 30-minute walk. We can take an Uber if you guys don't feel like walking.

YJ: Nah, I'm down to walk!

S: Same!

WY: Okay, let's go then!

So, we started our journey through the streets of Busan. It was past midnight but that didn't stop us from shouting and laughing without limits.

YJ: Look! What dance move am I doing!? - he said dancing with only the sound of his breathing as rhythm.

S: Blood Sweat & Tears!!

YJ: Yes!!

S: Wait, I have one too!

I started dancing as well.

YJ: That's Dynamite!!

Wooyoung watched us, laughing.

WY: Don't stay in the middle of the crossing!!

S: AAAH!! - I screamed as the traffic light turned green for cars.

YJ: Wait, I can imitate Suga too - he said before delivering a rap that was more hilarious than accurate.

Wooyoung and I held onto each other's arms trying to stay upright despite our laughter but we still ended up on the ground, laughing like hyenas because of Yeonjun's imitation.

I can tell you that it took us more than 30 minutes to reach our destination and we probably woke up half the city.

WY: Okay now let's calm down guys! - he said before we entered the apartment.

S: Yes, shhhhh.

We entered quietly tryna make as little noise as possible not to wake up his uncle.

Wooyoung's uncle: Hi boys!

WY: Oh hey Uncle! We thought you were sleeping.

He showed us the room he had prepared for us. There's a bed in one corner of the room and two mattresses are laid out on the floor.

WY: I'll leave you the bed if you want, I don't mind sleeping on one of the mattresses.

S: Me neither.

So, we left the bed for Yeonjun.

YJ: Damn I'm exhausted.

WY: No wonder, you guys danced half the way with San - he laughed.

YJ: Facts. My thighs are whispering to me that it was a bad idea.

It's a shame that we weren't closer friends in high school with Yeonjun, he's too much fun and we get along well.

YJ: Well, gonna brush my teeth.

He left the room, leaving Wooyoung and I alone. We sat on our respective mattresses, getting our things ready to sleep.

WY: So, how're you doing?

S: Mmmh, actually not very well these past few days but tonight I managed to forget my concerns.

WY: Good if it made you feel better. I'm so glad we could meet again.

S: Me too - I smiled at him.

Without embarrassment, he took off his t-shirt, standing shirtless in front of me.

WY: Aaaah, that feels good - he sighed.

Slightly thrown off, I lowered my head to look at my phone. He really hasn't changed.

S: It really doesn't look like we haven't seen each other for three years.

WY: Yeah you see, I told you the connection's still there. Nothing has changed - he said putting on his night shirt.

S: We've become even more handsome though.

My remark made him laugh.

WY: Yeah you're right, there's a small difference in that regard. Honestly, you've become super handsome San. Are you hitting the gym to get those shoulders?

S: Yeah, I'm tryna look like a mountain to fit my name.

He laughed again.

WY: It reminds me of the old times, you were upset when I said you had a baby face because you wanted to look sexy - he continued to laugh.

S: Damn, you remember that? - I asked laughing along with him.

WY: Of course, it was too fun!

There was a short moment of silence. I think that, like me, he started to think about our old memories nostalgically.

WY: I still don't get why we stopped talking in high school.

S: Don't know... Honestly it was really hard to give up on you, you know. During the summer I felt like I was super important to you but when we went back to school, you started coming to me much less so I thought maybe I wasn't as important as I thought. So I stopped making an effort to approach you because it hurt me more than anything else...

WY: Oh... - he murmured in a sad voice, then he remained silent for a few seconds before continuing. You weren't wrong, you were really important to me, Sannie. I loved it when we spent time together, honestly, it was really hard for me too. It's true that I became a bit distant, but I don't know -

YJ: All right, the place's free. Next! - he interrupted us.

WY: Are you done taking off your makeup lil fag?

Yeonjun and I burst into laughter, we didn't expect him to say that.

YJ: You're crazy man. Did you think we were friends for you to say that?

WY: Love you too, sweetie - he said with a smirk, passing by him to go to the bathroom.

After we all got ready to sleep, we lay down in our beds and turned off the light.

Turning towards Wooyoung, I could see his face thanks to the moonlight.

WY: You'll send me your concert videos, right?

S: Yeah but don't be surprised if you hear an asthmatic bear in the background.

He let out a hearty laugh. I missed that, his laugh. Too bad we're parting ways tomorrow.

We continued talking for a few more minutes before falling asleep.

I wonder what Wooyoung was going to say before Yeonjun interrupted us. I'll ask him someday. For now, I'm sleeping.

Conclusion of Chapter 27: San is sleeping.


I should do so 🥱

I go to bed too late these days but i'm so much into this fanfiction 😭 Are you into it too? Do you like it?

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