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We finally decided to leave the restaurant after our 5th plate. Yes. 5. We shouldn't have.

S: Oh shit...

WY: What? You can't walk either?

YS: Why did we eat so much!?

JH: I'm fine.

WY: You're not normal.

We were struggling to walk to the high school, bent forward to have less stomach pain.

S: Seriously, we look like grandpas - I said, laughing.

S: OUCH! I can't laugh anymore!! It hurts too much!

Wooyoung laughed too.

WY: OUCH, you're right!! It's horrible! I've never eaten so much in my life!!

S: We have Math class next, I wanna die... Don't you want to skip? I really can't walk anymore - I complained.

WY: Yeah, I'm in.

Since the guys agreed to skip the class, we joined a small square nearby. Wooyoung lay down on a stone ledge, legs folded toward the sky. So I sat down at the level of his feet, leaning against his legs.

JH: Guys, you look like an abstract piece of art.

S: Hhhhh... I can't even talk.

YS: Conceptual.

WY: Is it comfortable, San?

S: Hhhhh...

WY: Did you turn into a zombie?

S: Wraaaah - I growled before turning around to bite Wooyoung's leg.

WY: Hey, noo!! Don't infect me! - he shouted, trying to free his leg from the grip of my teeth.

YS: Weren't they supposed to have stomachaches? - he asked Jongho.

JH: Yeah. Why are we friends with them again?

WY: HEY! We can hear you!!


Almost an hour had passed. We had 2 more hours of Korean before the end of the day. So, we set off towards the high school, after having plenty of time to digest.

YS: By the way, isn't today the day the teacher said we're going to see a movie at the cinema?

S: Yes!

JH: For real?? Are we going to the movies??

WY: You never follow anything Jongho, it's crazy.

S: We're gonna see the latest Marvel.


S: No, I'm kidding, we're gonna see something weird, a Korean teacher movie.

JH: Jerk.

YS: Too gullible.

JH: You guys are too mean to me, don't forget I can break all of you in half with my hands.

We arrived at the Korean class where the students and the teacher were waiting for the last people to arrive.

YJ: Why weren't you in Math class? - Yeonjun asked us when he saw us arriving.

Yeonjun is a guy in our class. I haven't talked to him much but he's pretty close to Wooyoung.

WY: Uh, how do I put this... We ate too much.

YJ: Huh? What a lame excuse is that? - he laughed. You could have told me you got attacked by zombies, it would have been more realistic.

WY: Well, you're gonna laugh... - he laughed, looking at me before being interrupted by the teacher.

Teacher: We're all here! Let's go - she announced joyfully before setting off, followed by the rest of the class.

As we crossed the exit door of the building, we noticed that the sky had grayed, and it started to rain. A spring rain, rather fine.

S: What?? It was so sunny 10 minutes ago!

WY: Don't panic sweetheart, I have an umbrella.

I turned my head to him, surprised by the nickname. He took out his umbrella while continuing to walk, wrapped his arm around mine and stuck to me to make sure I was protected from the rain.

Okay, um... Am I the only one who feels like I'm in a Korean drama? How does he act so naturally like this? It amazes me.

The cinema is close to our high school, so we arrived after a 5-minute walk. I wouldn't have minded walking a bit longer...

With Yeosang, Jongho and Wooyoung, we sat in the back row. Obviously, I was sitting next to Woo. And we just laughed throughout the movie.

Luckily, the teacher is sitting up front because Wooyoung is not discreet at all with his hyena laugh.

S: Shhh, damn, laugh less loudly! - I laughed, trying not to make too much noise.

WY: But it's you, stop making me laugh!! - he whispered back.

S: Oh man, look! She has your nose! - I said quietly, pointing to a girl who had just appeared on the screen.

WY: No way! She has a witch's nose!

S: Well, yeah, a big hooked nose like yours!

WY: Jerk, I don't have a big hooked nose! - he laughed.

YS : Damn, you guys are unbearable!! - he scolded us in a whisper.


I was putting on my pajamas, a big smile on my face as I thought back to that day. It was cool to go to a restaurant. Putting on my t-shirt, I remembered that I won't be in the same class as Wooyoung next year, but then I saw his smile again and it reassured me once more.

I put on shorts and took off my socks. Was I the only one who felt like I was in a drama when we were both under the same umbrella?

I put my phone on charge and lay down in my bed. It's crazy how much we laughed during the movie. I think no one makes me laugh as much as Wooyoung. And I make no one laugh as much as I make Wooyoung laugh.

Wooyoung... Wait... Why is he so much in my head?? I've been thinking about him for like 10 minutes and I just realized it now!

Damn guys... I think I'm in love with Wooyoung......


I'm sure I love Wooyoung.

Conclusion of Chapter 4: They didn't go see the new Marvel.


What about getting to know each other a bit?

I did that in my French ff and it was pretty cool, so I'll let you ask me a question about my life and you have to answer it too!

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Our Time Will Come ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt