NightmarexTerminally ill reader {Angst}

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Nightmare's POV (1st Person)


I sat up in bed with a yawn as I woke up, streatching a liitle before glancing at Y/n. I frowned softly. "Their breathing is getting shallower every day..." I sighed and layed back down, wraping my arms around them.

Y/n has a terminal illness, and that's all we know. Apparently, it either extreamly rare, or brand new to human and monster race. The doctor had told us that they only had 3 months left to live.... and it's almost up...

They used to be so lively when I met them. They were fighting the Stars, and had a pretty good handle on them, but was thankful for my help. I offered for them to stay at the castle with the others and I, and they accepted my offer. Every morning, they would be up before dawn to train, I belive they used to run two miles every morning, followed by weapons practise and agility exercises. After breackfast they would lift weights for a few ours with Killer and Cross. Needless to say, not only were they really pretty, but they were quite strong, too. I'm pretty sure they had biceps bigger than Swap's, and he has his own rogorous training.

And...I fell in love. After dinner one night, I had them meet in my office, where I was waiting with a black orchid and the biggest bundle of nerves imaginable. They looked very confused at first, untill I told them what was going on. they smiled and kissed me, and we lived happily ever after.

Untill the sickness.

A few months after I initially asked them out, they had collapsed after they got home from a mission. We all thought it was due to exsaustion, but I took them to a doctor after they gained a deathly high fever. They ran them to the hostpital to do more tests on them, which I was not particularly fond of. And then they put Y/n in a room, were I was able to stay with them. They were in a coma for a couple of days, then the doctors told us the diagnosis after they woke up. I still remember it clearly, Y/n had burst into tears, and pulled me in for a hug, and I started sobbing, too. Ever since then, Y/n was slowy deteriorating, both physically and mentally. They didin't have much of an apetite, and didin't have the energy to train anymore. They became anxious and depressed, and I would oftentimes have to hold them back by force whenever they tried to cut or kill themselves......which was too often. They would go on rambles about how they became a burden to everyone once they got sick, and that we should just leave them somewhere to die.

I looked down at my partner, who was now thin and frail, and pressed a soft kiss to their shoulder before sitting up and getting dressed. I have having to leave their side, but I have a feeling that they would be asleep for a while yet, and I need to check on the others, so I walked downstairs and to the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen to see Horror hugging Dust and Killer, muttering something to them and kissing the tops of their skulls. Horror look up and frowned.

"ah- I'm sorry, I'll leave-"

"No, Don't." Horror said. I heasitated before walking over.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We're worried about Y/n. We know that the three months are almost up." Dust mumbled.

I sighed softly. "Their breathing is shallow and they are very thin. But right now they are sleeping- and nothing bad with them has happened recently...."

"So, are they okay?" Killer looked up.

"As okay as they can be...." I shrugged, my own breathing was a little shaky.

"... Boss?" Horror frowned.

"I'm worried, too...... It's hard, they can't do much... And I'm struggling to take care of them sometimes because they won't let me...."

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