Horror x Reader (Angst)

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Author's Note: Welp. There'll be a few of these, becuse I adore Horror and he makes me happy. ^^

And thank you to all who are still reading this! Ily all!!/p



I sighed and sat on my bed, smiling softly as I drew. I looked at my draing and smiled. Most of the bages of my sketchbook are all of Horror.... I've had a huge crush on him since I joined Nightmare's gang, but I've been too scared to tell him. So, I just like- draw him while daydreaming.

"Yo." Killer showed up infront of me and I yelped, flinching. I accedently dropped the sketchbook, and Killer snatched it up before i could get it back.

"Hey! Give that back!!!!" I reached out to him, but he teleports to the other side of my room, next to my closet.

"....Why the fuck do you have so many drawings of Horror-?" Killer tilts his head, blinking in a confused manner.

"That's none of your busness! Give it back!!" I felt my face go red as I jumped off my bed and ran after him.

Killer teleports away once more. "OH MY GOD- YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HORROR!!!!!!"

"SHUT UP-! I DO NOT!" I snarled at him, tacking him to get my sketchbook.

"I'm going to tell him~!" Killer smirked, and then dissapears, with my sketchbook. I blinked, then started to panick.

"Fuck....fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfukcfukcfuckfuckfuck-" I stood and started walking around my room in small circles. "I'm going to kill that bastard..." I looked around. "Horror's going to think I'm really weird, then reject me, and then he won't even let me withing eyesight of him..." I muttered softly to myself, frowning.


After walking out of my room and down one of the many staircases, I walk to the front door. "AY! I'M GOING FOR A WALK!" I called out, just so maybe someone knows where I'm going to be if I'm not home by dinner.

I walk out the door, and sigh as the crisp air slaps me in the face. It's colder than what I had expected. I shrug and walked through the woods, something I usually do to clear my mind. Focusing on my sourroundings tends to help ground me and my thoughts. I take in the bare trees around me. The castle was out of sight, and I start jogging, turning off the trail I normaly take. I had changed into my usual running clothes, A t-shirt and shorts.

Damn, it's cold out here.... I frowned softly as I jogged through the fall woods.

After a while. I stopped to take a break, Leaning against a tree and sitting down. I tried to picture the upcomming conversation in my head.

Conversations where Horror finds it discusting....and I get kicked out. Convos of when Horror find it strange, and rejects me..... and only a few that he accepts it, and tells me he loves me back. I sighed, and pulled my knees to my chest, then looked around, It started to snow. I love snow! It's the best thing in the world!

I stood, and looked around, walking in what I thought was the direction of the Castle. After a while, I relised it wasent. It was dark, and I couldent see anything. It was still snowing, the flakes large and awfully cold.

I hugged myself and looked around. I felt my heartrate quicken, and my stomach tied up in knots. I'M LOST- HOW THE ACUAL FUCK- Tears pricked my eyes.

no....nonoonnonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono-!!!!! I looked around again. It was impossible to tell what way was which. It's defenately after dinner..... they should be looking for me by now.... I chose a random direction and jogged, I needed to keep moving, or else I would probably freeze. The snowfall seemed to get worse- It's possible it's a blizzard.

I can't see two feet infront of me, I'm freezing, I don't know where the fuck I am, I'm really, really tired....

I thought I heard somone call my name, but I wasent sure. I sat down, whimpering and crying. "HELP!!" I called. "SOMEBODY! PLEASE! HELP! I'M LOST!!" My voice was raspy.

But nobody came.

I close my eyes, and lay down. Suddenly, heat courses my body, and I fall asleep.


When I wake up, I'm in the castle again. Infront of a fire in a comfy chair, and I'm wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. I try to sit up, wincing.

"Don't move." Horror kneeled infront of the chair, adjusting the blanket around me. He looked....Not happy-

"S-sorry, Horror..." I adverted his gaze, It felt like he was staring into my soul. I felt really, really guilty.

"What the hell were you thinking, Y/N? Going for a jog in a t-shirt snd shorts in the middle of a blizzard!?" Horror's voice had a sharpness to it.

"It wasent snowing when I left.... and I simply got lost-"

"You got lost and almost fucking froze to death!" Horror interupted me. "You're lucky I found you!" He loosed genuinely hurt, and I felt a lot worse.

"I'm sorry...." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks. Horror pulled me into a hug, and I clung onto him, shaking.

"I was worried sick about you when you didin't come to dinner, Y/N...." Horror sighed.

"I only went out to clear my mind... Killer stole my sketchbook, and-"

"I know all about it, Y/N. He showed me." He chuckled, and I tensed. "Now, While I don't draw you in uh... intersting positions, I do have a thing for you..."

Blushing, I looked up at him. He was also blushing, that adorably soft smile of his played on his face. Horror pulled me in for a kiss, and I immideately reciprocated, wrapping my arms around his neck. After a few moments he broke the kiss.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Horror...."



Guys I wrote this all in only a couple chapters, I'm so happy-

I was origionally going to make this a fluff, but then i'm like- A N G S T. so uh. yeah.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I may nit post too, too often. It depends, I suppose, on when I feel like writing.

Have a good day yall! bye bye!!

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