Annoyance flickered across Aemond's features as he observed his brother's lack of concern. "Aegon," he called sharply, "we have a feast to attend. You can't sleep through this. Get up." The urgency in his voice hinted at the importance of presenting a unified front, even in the face of the night's turmoil.

Aegon, still groggy from his sleep, mumbled in response, "We have time, Aemond. The feast is tonight, and now it's just morning." His words, spoken with a certain nonchalance, hinted at a lack of urgency, a stark contrast to the pressing matters the family faced.

Aemond, growing more impatient, retorted, "Do you not understand the weight of the situation? Get up, Aegon. We can't afford to be complacent, especially after what happened last night." The weight of responsibility and the need for a united front compelled Aemond to push his brother to rise from his slumber and face everything that awaited them today.

In a fit of anger and impatience, Aemond yanked the sheets off Aegon, only to be met with the unexpected sight of his brother, completely naked. Aemond, taken aback, turned his face away, his annoyance now mixed with a touch of discomfort.

"Cover yourself, Aegon! We don't have time for your antics," Aemond snapped, his frustration escalating. The room, now charged with tension.

As Aemond held the sheets off Aegon, his fingers brushed against something sticky. A sense of repulsion washed over him, and he recoiled, dropping the sheets in alarm.

"What in the Seven Hells is this?" Aemond exclaimed, his anger now fueled by the unexpected discovery. "Have you been-!? This is no time for your jests, Aegon!"

Aegon, a teasing smile playing on his lips, responded nonchalantly, "Relax, Aemond. A man has his needs. No need to get all worked up." The tension in the room escalated, mirroring the underlying conflicts within House Targaryen as they grappled with the repercussions of the night's events.

Frustration boiling over, Aemond gathered Aegon's clothes and tossed them at him. "Get dressed, Aegon. We don't have time for your games. Leave your chambers and join the rest of us in preparing for the feast," Aemond commanded, his tone stern and no longer tolerating any resistance.

Aegon, catching the clothes with a smirk, complied with a teasing glint in his eyes. The brothers, caught in the midst of familial discord, stood at the precipice of a night that would either mend or further strain the bonds within their house.

In a different part of the keep, Jacaerys and Luke were in the process of getting ready for the upcoming feast. Rhaenyra, their mother, guided them with a watchful eye, offering subtle advice on their attire and demeanor.

"Stand tall, Jacaerys. You represent our house tonight," Rhaenyra advised, adjusting his clothing. Turning to Luke, she added, "And you, Luke, show the strength that runs in our blood. Tonight, we present a united front."

As the preparations continued, Daemon began to walk out of their chambers. Rhaenyra, sensing his departure, hurriedly intercepted him. "Where are you going, Daemon?" she inquired, a note of concern in her voice.

Daemon, with an enigmatic smile, reassured her, "Don't worry about it. I'll be back for the feast." As he left, Rhaenyra was left standing in uncertainty, her gaze lingering on the closing door.

With Luke sent off to join Aemond, Rhaenyra found a moment alone with Jacaerys. She looked at her son with a glint of affection and determination. "Jace," she began, "tonight at the feast, I want you to ask Thereya for a dance. Show the court that despite our challenges, House Targaryen stands united. It's crucial we present strength and unity."

Jacaerys, absorbing his mother's words, nodded with a sense of understanding.

As Jace and Rhaenyra discussed the upcoming dance, the chamber's door swung open to reveal Baela and Rhaena, their presence injecting a burst of energy into the room.

"Rhaenyra, may we have a moment of your time?" Baela asked, her demeanor respectful but with a hint of excitement. Rhaena added, "We would be honored if you could help us prepare for the feast. Your guidance means a lot to us."

Rhaenyra smiled at the request from Baela and Rhaena. "I would love to help you both get ready," she replied, briefly excusing herself from Jace's side. "I'll be right back," she assured him.

Joining the stepdaughters, Rhaenyra left the chamber with a sense of shared anticipation.

The chosen gown, a masterpiece in deep blue with intricate gold embroidery, was not only a testament to regality but a perfect complement to Thereya's captivating blue eyes. As the fabric caught the light, it accentuated the vivid hue of her eyes, creating a mesmerizing harmony that would undoubtedly capture the attention of those present at the feast.

The dress, carefully selected by Helaena, was not just a garment but a statement, an embodiment of House Targaryen's strength and a reflection of Thereya's innate grace and beauty. The intricate details and the resonance with Thereya's features promised a striking presence that would leave a lasting impression on the court.

Thereya looked at the dress with a puzzled expression, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "Are you sure about this, Helaena?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of hesitation.

Helaena, however, approached with a reassuring smile, gently placing the dress in Thereya's hands. "Absolutely. Trust me, it'll be perfect," she encouraged, leading Thereya toward a full-length mirror. "Try it on. You'll see."

As Thereya began to don the gown, the fabric embracing her form, the mirror reflected a transformation. Helaena's confidence in the choice was visible.

As Thereya finished putting on the gown, a transformative aura enveloped her. The deep blue fabric embraced her curves, accentuating her silhouette in a way that left Helaena momentarily breathless. Despite Thereya's perpetually amusing hair and occasional expressions of annoyance, the dress worked its magic, rendering her truly breathtaking.

Helaena couldn't help but admire the sight in the mirror. The gown, combined with Thereya's distinct features, created a striking image, a blend of regality and individuality. With her unique quirks and undeniable beauty, this was a captivating harmony that would surely captivate the lords at the upcoming feast.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Thereya couldn't help but feel a sense of unfamiliarity. "I don't look like myself," she remarked with a touch of uncertainty, her blue eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

Helaena, however, approached with a reassuring smile. "Trust me, Thereya. You look stunning. Sometimes, a change can reveal a different kind of beauty," she affirmed, her words carrying a genuine sincerity.

Thereya hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "I'll trust you on this. If you say I look pretty, then I'll believe you," she conceded, a small smile playing on her lips. The transformative power of the gown, coupled with Helaena's reassurance, set the stage for a night that promised both elegance and authenticity.

As Thereya and Helaena shared this intimate moment of preparation, the air filled with anticipation, a sudden knock on the door disrupted the tranquility. The unexpected sound echoed through the chamber, causing both women to exchange a puzzled glance.

The interruption hung in the air, creating a momentary pause in their preparations. Thereya, still adjusting to her dress, approached the door with a sense of curiosity, ready to discover the cause of the unanticipated disturbance.

 Thereya, still adjusting to her dress, approached the door with a sense of curiosity, ready to discover the cause of the unanticipated disturbance

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