Chapter 6: Birthdays and Tests

Start from the beginning

After we finish dinner an hour later, Charlie and I excuse ourselves and head home, knowing mum would explain why we went early.

When we get home, we go straight upstairs to my room. I ask Charlie “Are you ready?”

He replies “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

I hand him the sticks and we walk towards the bathroom. He goes inside, while I sit on the floor outside waiting for him to come out.

Charlie’s POV

Once I’m inside the bathroom I lock the door. I decide to pee in a cup then stick the stick into the urine afterwards to make sure that there is enough for all 4 sticks. Once I’ve peed into the cup, I take the caps off of 2 of the sticks and dip them in the urine for 10 seconds. I then place the caps back on and do the same for the other 2 tests.

I place them all face down on the edge of the bath tub not wanting to see the results without Nick. I set a 10 minute timer on my phone so I know when they will have the results ready, dispose of the excess urine and wash my hands. I then exit the bathroom, leaving the tests in there, shut the door and take a seat next to Nick where he has been patiently waiting.

We sit in silence, until it is interrupted by the timer going off on my phone. I stand up and say “The tests are ready.” Nick doesn’t move. “Will you come look at them with me?” I ask.

I get no verbal response, but he does stand up and walk towards the door. Once I am stood next to him he opens the door and we walk towards the tests. He then says “We’ll flip them over all at once. You do the 2 closest to you, I’ll do the 2 closest to me. Ready?”

We put our hands on the corresponding tests and I say “Yes.”

“Ok then, 3…2…1…flip.”

We both flip over the tests and read them:

Test 1: Positive

Test 2: Positive

Test 3: Positive

Test 4: Positive

“I’m pregnant.” I whisper not knowing quite what to think.

“Yes you are,” Nick replies “Come on, let’s go to our room.” He continues, while collecting all the tests before guiding me to our room.

We sit down on the bed, leaning against the headboard and just cuddle for a few minutes.

Nick then breaks the silence by saying “You do know what this means, don’t you?”

“What?” I ask.

“You’re going to have to start eating properly, or at least as close to properly as you can.”

“I know, but I am just so scared of getting overweight now that I’m pregnant.”

“I know you’re scared, but that’s what I’m here for. To be the comforting boyfriend that will help you through the scary times.”

I look up at him and our eyes meet, I already feel less scared knowing that Nick will be there for me.

“I’m sorry for being so overprotective of you lately. But I just had this gut instinct that you were pregnant and I don’t want anything to happen to you or our baby, only I didn’t want to talk to you about it as I knew you would just worry. But I’m so, so, sorry if I hurt you.”

“I know, and I get what you are talking about with the gut instinct thing, because I think deep down, I knew it too but I just didn’t want to accept it. Look, I might have an idea on how to make you feel safer about the health of our baby, would you like to hear?”

“Yes please.”

“How about I tell you if I haven’t had enough to eat that day. I promise to be honest so long as you promise to not pester me.”

“Ok, that sounds like a good idea, so long as we can agree on what is not enough. How about enough is 4 lots of food in reasonable portions with one of those having to be a proper meal, but the other 3 can be snacks or meals. Does that sound ok?”

“Yes, although there is something I have to tell you.2

“What is it?”

“I haven’t eaten enough today. All I’ve eaten was what I ate at your grandmas, which was only half of what I was given which was already I small portion.” I say admittingly.

“Ok, well can you try and eat a small snack now?”

“Yes, can you make me a piece of toast – no butter – and bring it up here?”

“Yes, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Nick’s POV

I go downstairs and make Charlie’s piece of toast. I know this still won’t be enough for today , but I am just going let it slide because I know the reason he hasn’t eaten was because of the anxiety caused by the prospect of taking the tests.

Once I have made his toast I bring it upstairs to him, and give it to him. He takes it and starts nibbling the crusts. Eventually he has finished the whole piece, which I am so proud of him for, so I put the plate on my bedside table and we both strip down to our boxers and Charlie puts on a jumper before getting into bed. Once we get into bed, I kiss Charlie goodnight, then I kiss his stomach to say goodnight to our baby, (which makes him chuckle a little bit), before we lie on our side with me wrapping my arms around him with my hands resting on his stomach and we fall asleep.

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