Start from the beginning

He turned to you, watching as you played with your otter. The neon lights from the arcade faded onto your face as the two of you exit the room. Your dimples showing as you smiled at the stuffed animal. Your polished nails holding it ever so gently.

"Thank you..." He mumbled.

"Huh?" You turned to his head down, curls bouncing with each step he took. He lifted his head, turning to you. His eyes scanned your face as you waited for him to talk.


"REAAAA!" Your attention was caught on Daysha, who now skipped to the two of you. Behind her followed the rest of the group as they chatted about their own prizes. "Did you get some more candy?" Day questioned, grabbing the now empty bag that was left in your hand.

"What happened to your candy?"

"I could only get two pieces with my tickets," She answered, crumbling up the plastic, "I thought you were gonna get some more."

"Tana shared his tickets with me, so I was able to get that otter I was looking at earlier," You said, holding up the brown otter in your hands.

"And y'all didn't ask me if I wanted anything?" She gasped.

"Girl, you were already munching on that Twix by the time I got in the store."

"A true friend would've thought of me." You heard Tana attempt to hold a laugh as you rolled your eyes at her. Her purple locs swung as she skipped back to Nelly to complain.

"Our table's ready at Cheesecake," Chance announced, hanging up his phone, "Everybody good to go?"

"Yep," You said popping your 'p'. Tana nodded his head and the two of you followed the group out to Cheesecake where the rest of the day was spent.

Chance, Trell, and Tana sat together at the end of the table while the girls took up the rest. Concerned, you took a seat next to Tana just in case Chance made another pounce at him. However, as the night went on you found yourself less and less worried. Tana was shy at first, only nodding to their questions, making short replies. But Chance and Trell's outgoing personalities eventually brought out a new side to Tana.

By the end of the night, you felt like your worries were pointless. Walking back to the car, you found yourself tuning in to the boys. Eavesdropping to only hear talks about basketball, 2k, or another one of Chance's hoe stories.

"Man, so you telling me you not planning on going pro?" Chance exclaimed. You watched his locs swing in the air, grabbing Tana's shoulder. Tana only shook his head no, laughing at their expressions as they winced in pain.

"Tana, my nigga, you crazy," Trell complained, "With yo skill, you could be up there wit Lebron."

"Mmcht, who I am supposed to play against in the championship now?" Chance smacked his teeth, "No coach reached out to you at all?"

Tana hesitated for a moment before shrugging, "I guess I just haven't been looking."

"Aight, now when you see us on TV don't be saying nun," Trell joked, pretending to dribble an imaginary ball.

"We gotta at least hoop one more time fore I get big tho," Chance said, joining in Trell's imaginary game.

"This nigga tryna get embarrassed again," Trell dribbled the air, shifting side to side before running around Chance. Chance followed as they dashed past Tana, waving to him to catch the invisible ball.

"You sure seem to be keeping your eyes over there a lot." Your thoughts were interrupted by Jasaia's waving hand. You shook your head turning your attention to the girls who leaned against Chance's car, eyes on you.

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