Next morning

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He gently woke me up by giving me a kiss on my forehead,and brought me breakfast to bed.
I was surprised about what kind of man
he is.He is just perfect for me,I thought .

After breakfast ,he picked me up and took me to bathroom,where we had a bath together,he again took me to bed and applied cream on my bottom and a little coconut oil to my vagina.
I asked him why he applied coconut oil,he said that you feel little dry,that's why.

Then I got ready for my college and he got ready for his job,he left me to college and went to his job.

At college,I was thinking about yesterday,like Is it right for him to spank me?,but he loves me so much,he tooks such a great care of me.

I wanted him,at any cost.I love him, I thought.

So ,when we got home he asked me if i was comfortable trying different punishment methods. I said,as long as they are not too painful or uncomfortable, I am fine.

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