my first spanking after being adult

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I had gone to hostel ,just came home for vacation .I had started doing alcohol and smoking which is very disliked in my family.
I just wanted to hide it best I can.
Hey ,how are you my little girl?
Mom asks
Fine ,mom
Well hope you are behaving properly and not causing any trouble. Yeah mom .
yeah take a shower and rest .

Mom's pov
She looks so tired.I will wash her laundry while she takes a shower.OMG WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ?

What happened mom?
What are these cigarettes doing in your bag, have you been smoking?
You will get the punishment for this.
No mom ,please no ,they are not mine.

You have started lying also?
Come on My lap now...
But mom.nooooo

I lie on her lap,not knowing what will come....

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