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Who can escape love ? Love is a gift given from the lord himself and it doesn't count a single soul out. The nature of love can render one mad in the eyes of the public but adorned in the eyes of the beholder. Love reshapes, changing time in a repetitive manner. Love is taunting ; it creeps up inside and when it's ready and surprises you by leaving you unraveled and breathless. Love is the thumping of a heart, numb fingers, and a dry mouth when you discover just who the feeling is for and nothing can hold a candle to the unshakable truth of it. Love is the way God paints the sky knowing someone will look up at it and see sheer beauty in it, or knowing with just one look it can turn scowl into a widespread smile. Love is him the one The Lord placed perfectly in my life and before I could fathom it. I became his everything and as for me ? Well....

-Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field:

Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.

Songs of Songs 3:5.

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