Her Past

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Ayushi's pov

We sat in the car and never ever I felt something like this my stomach is filled with the foreign sensation and told him by looking at him "app gurne keliye nahi sirf nihar ne ke liye go"he saw whether I was faking it or not now within these few hours our eyes have started their own story , they have a weird way of communicating and understanding.

But he masked every thing and asked me in a very serious and cold stone tone. The movement I saw him doing that my face fell with all the hopes shattering. What if he doesn't like me, it will break my heart, what if he is forced , I want a true and a pure relationship not a fake one. I want to tell him all just pour my heart to him I don't know why but before everything I want to know one thing and I will ask him. What if his doesn't show me love and he is like everyone who blames me, troubles me, abuse me but I don't complain as I don't have anyone to . I can't just turn my sister against my parents so I don't complain but she understands.

Now I am feeling suffocated. I am not able to control my emotions . My tears came uninvited and I don't want him to see this side of me. My hand trying to calm my poor heart who has suffered enough to be more hurt. I told him to take me to my home. I am trying and pushing my limit of control over emotions. I am feeling like I will get a attack now but nooooo I don't want him to hate me and think that I am abala nari.

We entered my home which is very small. I can only afford two chairs and rest is my materials stuffed. I requested him to sit and I sat opposite to him not knowing where to start but his eyes were still cold and devoid of any emotion this Pearced my heart into pieces now I cannot just cannot anymore. With all the tears and sobs I asked him an very important question
"do you intend to marry me?or R you forced? "

I was silently crying trying to hold the last strong and waiting for his response not breaking the eye contact
"I am forced to meet you. "he said still being cold and I don't care vibe

Noooo my fears all true. Hear comes the sarcasm how will my fate have happiness when my parents have named me shrapti means a cursed girl. I feel it true. Why god why can't I be happy and have someone who can love me. And this man in front of me whom I instantly fell in love he is forced. I am cursed now I can't bear this hurt anymore. I am feeling like my breath should stop now and everything should end . My eyes blurred and breath heavier and........


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"AYUSHI!....... "

Dhananjays pov:

I know I am hurting her and this condition of hers is pearcing my heart but I need to test her I cannot bitrey my self again and blindly trust women. But her breathing heavier and she blanked out .what she passed out just because I told her that I was forced to meet her.

AYUSHI I picked her up and went to her room to make her lye but saw their wasn't any bed I sat on floor with her in my arms now I don't know my eyes started tearing and I tried to wake her up . Sprinkled some water but no response. Before I could think something her phone rang showing SIS on the id. I picked up

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