Michael managed to crack a smile. "I'on remember that." He denied as well.

He dropped King home before heading over to Naija's place. The last few times he's been there, they hadn't brought up the pregnancy to keep a sense of tranquility for a minute. He knows it's inevitable now though.

He was there within 15 minutes, lightly knocking on the door with his free hand quickly before holding the case of water in his hand.

Naija opened the door. "Oh," she quickly stepped aside to let him in and put down the heavy water. "sorry." She sheepishly smiled, realizing she'd taken quite a while to open the door as she was in the bathroom.

"How you been?" Michael asked her, leaning in to kiss her which she melted into for just the short second it lasted. "Good. I just went shopping today." She briefly answered.

It was silent for a moment, before he sighed, breaking it. "I'm sorry for deflecting the conversation last time by goin' out to drink." He finally said. "It was immature."

She was surprised, considering he isn't so quick to apologize for his actions or admit he's being immature most of the time. She showed him a smile. "What's gotten into you? You're not usually this quick to apologize."

He shrugged, cracking another smile. "I'm tryna change. Like I said I would."

He meant more so in terms of his attitude as opposed to his lifestyle—which she would prefer—but he's taking baby steps.

Speaking of babies-

"I know the conversation made you uncomfortable." Naija muttered, grazing her hand against her elbow as her arms were crossed. She was in a tight tank top and shorts. Comfortable.

His eyes glanced at her stomach in an uneasy manner before facing her again. "I wasn't uncomfortable." He mocked her. "It's..." he trailed off. "It's complicated." He settled on that instead. He truly doesn't know how he was feeling. He's not even sure how he feels now. He just can't get used to it.

"So..." Naija started again. "How are things gonna work out with us living apart?" She asked. Her eyes were on her hands as she fiddled with her fingernails all the while. She was always so nervous discussing this with him.

He's been thinking of that too. He bit his lip, looking up at the ceiling before nodding. "I'll figure that out. You ain't comin' back to my house though. I know it's dangerous there. Jus' stay here 'til I sort that shit out."

She nodded. "Okay."

She glanced at him again. He was wearing just a black hoodie with black sweat pants. He had basic a black beanie hat on, covering most of his curls. He looked a bit drowsy today—slight puffy eyes and a bit of a flushed look on his face.

"Did you drink last night?" Naija asked. Not in an accusing way, but just curiously. She surprisingly wasn't angry or disappointed. She can't micromanage his drinking all the time. She just doesn't like him doing it to ignore his feelings—which he's been doing anyway.

He showed a lazy smile. "It's that obvious?"

She just shook her head, matching his smile. "Yes, it is. Michael let's talk about the elephant in the room. You're more nervous about this than I am." She pointed out.

He shook his head. "I'm not-"

She gave him a dry look, showing she won't believe any denials from him. "Ight I won't lie 'n say I ain't a bit weary." He shrugged.

"Your weariness is stressing me out." She voiced out her feelings—which she isn't used to doing much either. They were both shocking each other today.

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