+*The Super Star*+

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Our story starts in a snowy area, a ice palace seen in the distance. It seems peaceful at the start, but that is all broken when a gaint ship appears from the blue.
Magma dropping with it.
It lands not far from the ice palace dropping is anchor on its ice floor. With that, a bunch of Koopas rally out of the ship with spears at the ready, and Blue Shells ready to attack.
Just then, a blue robbed koopa appears from thin air.
"Behold! The king of the koopas!"
He stomps his staff making the Koopas have their attention on the leader of the Koopas, Bowser. He walks terrifyingly towards the ice palace before stopping.
"Open the gates! Or die."
Then, a large group of shadows linger towards the doors. The doors then open to reveal a bunch of small penguins, but that doesn't mean they were fury for battle.

They give out a battle cry and charge towards the group of koopas throwing as many snowballs as they can, little did they know it wasn't quite working. The king then single the penguins to stop.
"That is but a taste of our fury. Do you yield?"
Bowser gives a chuckle.
"I do not."
The blue robbed koopa then lifts the penguins and tosses them to the side.
Bowser then uses his fire breath to destroy the Ice palace, eventually falling.
Within its walls, stands a box with a question mark on it. Bowser then makes his way to the block. He then reaches the block and destroys is with his bare hands. The box then breaks open to reveal a star. The super star.
He gives a evil laugh.
"I finally found it, and now no one can stop me!"

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