*Adventure Awaits+*

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Heather was dragged by some toads, she tries and fight back, but they had spades or something like that.
They then take her to a person who was with Mario.
"Wait, that's my friend!"
"Let her go."
The toads let her go and she was confronted by a pretty woman, she had beautiful long blonde hair and gorgeous eyes.
"She's human! And she's a girl, and strong!" she'd say with a smile looking at her, touching her red hair and poking her face.
Heather looked at her confused whilst Mario went and stood next to her.
"Sorry! What was you about to say?"
"Me, my friend here Heather and my little brother Luigi, w-we fell down this pipe, and now-"
"He's lost somewhere in the darklands!" Heather interrupted.
"Then it's only a matter of time until he's captured by Bowser, but you guys are in luck, I'm on my way to stop him."
Heather was sort of interested in this princess who wasn't always in a castle waiting to be saved, but that wasn't the only thing on her mind. It was also the fact that she needed to save Luigi.

"Well, take us with you."
"This guy's a lunatic. A phsyco. He will eat you for breakfast. He won't even it, probably, 'cause you're very, very small, but you however, probably, probably not."
Heather chuckled a little and crossed her arms, meanwhile Mario looked at her with a small glare,
but shook it off.
"You know what? Make fun of me all you want, but you are gonna help me find my brother." Mario and Peach then stared at each other intensely, while Heatehr looked at them with a look of, 'should I break this tension?'

"Please?" Mario said softly.
"Okay. Let's see what your made of."
"Is that a yes?"
"No. That's a 'let's see what your made of your friend however is alright though."
Heather then laughed which made Mario nudge her a little.

They then arrived at the training course, which was big, like BIG. Mario and Heather looked at it with
"If you can finish this your coming with me. Watch and learn."
Peach then does the course amazingly and finishes successfully without any mess ups.
"That was amazing. Wait.. how-how am I supposed
to do that?"

"With the power-ups. They give us special abilities." Heather looked at her with a look of 'power-ups?!' as she was happy to hear that they're special abilities here.
Peach then jumps up to a box with a question mark and a mushroom landed in Mario's hand.
"Ugh! Really??"
"Go on. Eat it."
Mario then gets the mushroom near his mouth.
"Now this has to be a mushroom? 'Cause I just...
Hate mushrooms, and..."
Peach and Heather glares at Mario, he knew he had to eat it. He brings the mushroom to his mouth.
"Are you sure there's not like a--"
"Oh for crying out loud, down it goes! You won't even taste it Mario!" Heather says whilst shoving the mushroom down his throat until it was gone.
"Ugh, not cool dude!" he says gagging a bit.
Just then, Mario's body began to shimmer, then, he was tall, taller then Heather and peach.
"Whoa-ho-ho! I'm tall!"
"And strong."
"So that means I can be stronger plus taller then
"Don't push it, and don't call me that!!"

Mario laughed and rolled his eyes.
"And.. You can jump."
"Oh, I got this. No problem."
Mario then ran to the training course, but fails.
Who was surprised? -Heather 2024 (updated)

Mario landed in the water then got sucked into the pipe again and landed at the platform again where
Peach and Heather were again.
"Oh, yeah. When you get hit, you lose the power."
"Great." Mario said with disgust and ate the mushroom.
"Come on, try again."
Mario tried and tried again to complete the course, but failed over and over again.
Meanwhile, peach and Heather had their own little conversation.
"So, you and mustache, you must be good friends huh?"
"Yeah, we've been friends for a while now, since kids. We do everything together, yeah we have disagreements but we're still the greatest, and Luigi... Oh Luigi, he's the best, he's sweet and always has his ways to calm me when I'm mad or upset... He's amazing." She looks at the ground for a while.
Peach's eyes then widen and smirked.
"Oooooh, I see now."

"You have a little crush on this Luigi guy."
Heather eyes shot open and her face was a light red.
"Wha-What?! No, he's my friend!"
"Riiight, your face says it all Heathy."
"Don't call me that!"
Peach then gave her a look of 'does he call you that?' Heather then stayed silent.
"You do."
Heather then rolls her eyes.

Meanwhile, Mario tried over and over again. Until, Mario nearly completed it. As he jumped to reach the finish flag, Peach and Heather looked with awe, well only Peach. Aurelia looked surprised.
Mario then gave Peach a look, aka Rizz.
He then gets eaten by a Piranha Plant.

"Well... We have a long journey ahead of us, mustache."
"But I didn't make it."
"You almost did! No one gets it right away." They were on a platform looking at the sun raising.
That's one thing that Heather liked, to the point she couldn't hear anyone else talking.
"How many tries did it take you?"
Peach then chuckles, "Oh, so many. I was not good at it. Worse than you." Peach then gives him a psycopathic smile (that's how I saw it, shush)

"You got it right away, didn't you?"
"I got it right away, but I grew up here."
"Okay, now your just trying to make me feel better."
"No! No... Is it working?"

"A little bit, yeah."

As they exit the castle, a hole bunch of Toads were surrounding the castle.
"They're all counting on us. No pressure."
Peach then walks off.
"Well, for me it is." Heather muttered under her breath. Heather and Mario began walking behind Peach, the toads giving them curious looks.
Peach, Mario and Heather then stand next to a pipe.
"My toads! Our days of terror are almost over! With the help of the Kong Army, we will stop--" Before Peach could finish, a blue toad raised its hand.
"Uh. Who are they?" Mario then chuckles while Heather gave a nervous wave.
"They're not important!" Heather gave a look at Peach before Peach jumped into the pipe.
Mario waves goodbye to the toads and then gets pulled in, while Heather rolled her eyes and jumps in.

They walked into the mushroom forest, ready for the adventure.
Mario was nervous while Heather only thought of saving Luigi. That was the only thing on her mind.
"Who, me? Yes, a little bit."
Peach let out a giggle before someone dances behind them.
It was Toad!
We're goin' on an adventure!" come one guys!"
Toad turns around.
"Hey Mario, hey person I didn't get the name from."
"It's Heather."
"You know this guy?"
"We're best friends."
"But are we-"
"Yes! We are!" Heather covers Mario's mouth. Yes, Luigi is her best friend, but what's wrong with having two?
"Don't worry. (Emphatically) I will protect you!"
"A Toad brave enough to join me."
"I fear nothing." (adorable!)
"Well, that settles it. You're coming with us. Let's move!"
All three of them move while Toad cheers on.
"Ha-Ha-Ha! M said we're goin' on an adventure, woo!"
He then grabs a Biddybud and yeets it.

The four of them travel to various lands, until they end up to a mist-covered mountain range.
"Pretty incredible, huh?"
"Mamma Mia."
"I'll never let anyone ruin this."

Meanwhile with Bowser

Piano sounds

"♪Peach, you're so cool... And with my star, we're gonna rule... Peach, understand... I'm gonna love ya
'til the very end... Peaches,
Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches ,Peaches,Peaches,Peaches! I love you! Oh!
Peaches! Peaches--♪"

Bowser stops his beautiful singing and breaths in deeply.
"The report from our intelligence. A mustachioed and female human had arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom."
Bowser snorts.

"The princess has been training the mustachioed one! They are up to something, sire!"
Bowser sits in silence for a moment before patting the bench next to him.
"Sit. Jam with me."

As Kamak sits, Bowser plays an familiar tune, along side Kamak.
"These, uh, humans. Where did they come from?"
"We... Aren't sure."
"Does the princess.. Like one of them?"

"Sire! Look in the mirror! You have nothing to worry about."
"I know that. I'm not threatened."
Bowser then slams the piano lid onto Kamak's hands making Kamak scream.
"Find out who they are, and WHAT THEY'RE PLANNING!"
"I'm on it, Sire. May lift the cover?"
"Not yet. Pain is the best teacher."

+*Electric Love+* Luigi x OcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora