+*The Super Mario Bros and the best friend+*

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We're the Mario Brothers and plumbings our game. We're not like the others who get all the fame. If your sink is in trouble you can call us on the double. We're faster than the others, you'll be hooked on the brothers, uh!

"It's a -me, a-Mario!"
"And-a Luigi!"
"Are you tired of-a paying too much for plumbing?"
"That's- a why the Super Mario Brothers are here!
To-a save Brooklyn!"
"And- a Queens!"
"And-a your wallet!"
"Thank you Super Mario Bros! It seems the only thing you haven't drained is my bank account."
"Forget-a the expensive plumbing companies where you're-a just a face. For the Super Mario Brothers!
You're family!"

The commercial ends showing our heroes, Mario the red one, Luigi the green one and Heather... Uh, the rich one. (I don't know)
They were inside Punch-Out-Pizza watching the two brothers ad.
The two brothers were thrilled, and Heather was their to support them.

"Wow! You were great!"
"I was great? Are you kidding me?! YOU WERE GREAT!"
"Guys! Guys! You were both great!"

Heather laughed as she punched Luigi's arm. (Wasn't too hard)

"I am so glad we spent our life savings on this commercial!"
"That is not a commercial! That is cinema."

Heather chuckled while standing to the side of the brothers.

"Eh, what about the accents? Is it.. Is it too much?" Heather was about to say something before a man called Giuseppe turned to them.

"Too much? Its-a perfect! Wahoo!"
"Okay, I'm gonna trust you."

Heather looked at Giuseppe then Mario thinking that Giuseppe sounded familiar, but then shook it off.
"Well, Well, Well. If it isn't Brooklyn's favorite failures, the Stupid Mario Brothers, and little miss perfect!"

Spike shouted out to the trio.
Heather got upset at that and was about to charge at Spike, but Luigi held her back, of course.
"Oh, great, Spike's here."
"Hey, spike."
Heather calmed herself down and Luigi let her go, giving her a small smile. Heather smiled for a second, then back to serious.
"Yeah! It's-a-me! *he laughs* Tell me, have you gotten one call since you left me to start your dumb company?"
"As a matter of fact spike, we have."
"Wow, really?"
Heather raises a brow.
"Uh, yeah! Our mom called! She said, 'Aw boys, that's the best commercial I've ever seen!' and I said,
'Thank you very much mother. We're very proud of it!' so BOOM!" Luigi shouted before dropping his phone causing it to break. Mario put his cap down in embarrassment and Heather face palming, but not in embarrassment, just because she didn't want Luigi to embarrass himself.
Spike gives a laugh.
"Good luck running a business with this idiot!" He then tosses a napkin towards Luigi making Heather to put her arm out in front of Luigi. Luckily, Mario catched the napkin.
"Say that again about my brother, and you're gonna regret." Mario then tosses the napkin at Spike's face.
Causing him to get angry.

"Oh yeah?" he then stands up hovering over Mario and grabbing him by his overalls.
"Get this through your tiny brain Mario, you're a joke, and you'll always will be." he then drops Mario on the floor, which angered Heather.
Spike then walks out with a chuckle, just as Mario stands up and staightning his cap.

"Are you insane? He's three times your size!"
"Luigi c'mon. You know, you can't be scared all the time."
"Mm, you'll be surprised."

Heather was still looking at the door due what happened just minutes ago, she just wanted to take that dumb face of his and...
Just then, Luigi's phone, which was now cracked, rung causing Heather to snap back into reality.
"Hello, Super Mario Brothers! Uh-huh? A drip in your faucet? That's great! I mean, that's.thats great you called us because we can be there and fix it right away. Okay."

He then hangs up, and the three of them were over the moon exited.
"The Super Mario Brothers are in business!"
"What are you guys waiting for, go! Go!"
The duo then waved goodbye to their friend, but as they left Heather found Luigi's phone on the ground.
"Oh Lu! You goober! *sighs* I'll just give it to him when I see him again."

Well... She kinda forgot.

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