Chp 94: "Hunters secrets/ Iron man"

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Currently we see Sam and Peter walk out of the foundation as peter had a big smile on his face

Sam: told you you'd find another source

Peter: this is amazing, getting to do real science, for actual money, oh my God I finally did it, I have a stable career!

Sam: you sure did man

That was until Sam and Peter get a call from miles

Sam: hey man, what's up?

Miles: hey, me and ganke got some Intel, the guys who took Li and scorpion, we tracked the exhaust trails from their aircraft to the Williamsburg bridge, I'll meet you guys there

Sam: hold up, isn't it you're turn to fill in your part of the project

Miles: yeah, but...duty calls

Sam: trust me bro, your duty is to your grades right now, I'll go check it out, I'll keep you updated on anything I find

Miles: alright, good luck out there man

Miles says as he hangs up

Sam: you chill out for a bit Pete, I got this covered

Peter: thanks Sam, good luck

Sam nods as he runs off

We cut to see Sam running into an alleyway as he transitions into his suit, Sam then runs up the building as he swings his way to the spot miles told him about, once he makes it he spots nothing

Sam: no bad guys, maybe they had it wrong?

Sam lands on a pillar as he calls miles

Sam: hey, I made it to the bridge, but no sign of those safari hunters

Miles: oh man, we were sure it was there, sorry for the wild goose chase

Sam: don't worry about it man, we'll find em

Sam says as he hangs up, that was u til he sees someone throw a bottle out of there car into the river

Sam: littering, come on man

Sam says as he was about to web the bottle but it disappeared into an invisible force

Sam: huh?

Sam makes his way towards the force as he touches it and it seemed to be an invisible barrier

Sam: weird...

Sam says as he enters the barrier until his senses go off

Sam: what the fu-

Sam was cut off when a drone flew near him as he dodged, more hunters show up as sam fights them off

Hunter: ah, the insect!

Sam: oh my God! how hard is it to say arachnid?!, now howed your boss with the fur get this kind of tech?

Hunter 2: a true hunter knows how to camouflage

Sam: you know you can also say "I don't know"

Sam says as he hops on a drones back and rips it's wings off, Sam then stomps on a hunter and he zips towards another and trips her as he shoots his dark webs at her and sticks her to the wall

Sam: where'd your boss take Li and mac?

Hunter: the criminals?, not far, thyre enjoying thyre freedom!

Sam: like that ain't ominous at all

Sam says as he finishes off the rest of the hunters

Sam: should look around

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