Chp 74: "It's my home too"

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Currently we see the spiders swinging around Harlem as they were searching for a contact on the FNSM app, they claim they've got a lead related to the mysterious criminals messing around in Harlem, they make it to the park as they spot the same street artist that miles talked to back at the rally

Sam: look, it's that chick you like man

Miles: dude!

Sam: I'm just playing, you should try talking to her cus I'm not great at sign language

Gwen: me neither

Miles and the others approaches her as miles speaks to her in sign language

Miles: hey, are you Hailey

Hailey: (I'm haily, everyone's calling you our spider man, my friend scarlet even wanted a with you)

Hailey said I'm sign language as miles chuckled

Miles: she can always request it in the app, umm so we heard that you could help us find the guys messing with Harlem?

Hailey: (thyre working out of a shipping center near the river, I followed them after they tried to mess with the kings day parade)

Miles: you followed them?, that's dangerous, and brave, uhh we'll go there and try to shut them down

Hailey: (thanks for looking out, try not to die)

Hailey said In sign language as she gave miles a smile, the three then swing away as they head for the shipping center, after a few minutes of swinging the three make it to see multiple thugs keeping guard on the place

Sam: definitely a good spot to communicate with your boss from prison, but how is the question

Gwen: let's clear these guys out first and find out

The three split as they quietly take out the thugs guarding the place without alerting anyone, after a few minutes of sneaking around they finnaly take out the thugs as they regroup

Miles: ok, now to find a way inside

Sam: let's head in through the garage

The three head towards the garage door as Sam lifts it up as they enter to see some snowy footprints on the floor

Miles: not what I expected

Gwen: let's not touch anything that looks suspicious it cou-

Gwen was cut off when she hears a click behind her as miles and Gwen see Sam pushing a red button that was on a generator

Sam: guess that didn't even do anything

Gwen: Sam!

Sam: what?, it's a big red button I had to press it

That was until the ground beneath them started to descend to a lower level as they see a door, they open it as they see a fancy looking base of operation

Miles: an underground basement hideout where they planned all theyre take down Harlem cool cool

Sam: well not that cool

Miles: right

The three look around as they see wads of cash, weapons and pictures of the spiders, that was until they approach a computer that had a system log in screen on it

Miles: you think you could run a hybrid attack Sam?

Sam: Im on it

Sam said as he crunched some numbers into the computer, that was until he started to recognize the design of the computer as it seemed familiar

That was until a video screen plays as Wilson fisk was on the other side, fisk grits his teeth as the site of Sam

Fisk: you...

Sam: will!!, it's you!, how have you been?, I missed you man

Fisk: I did not miss your constant babbling boy, did spider man leave the city into the hands of children?

Miles: fisk, we stopped what your doing in Harlem, your done in my neighborhood

Fisk: your neighborhood?, how touching, you'll learn that when you cross me...the people you want to protect...are the ones who suffer

Sam: and goodbye

Sam said as he disconnected the computer and the server to contact fusk was shut down

Gwen: he's even scarier in person, even if it was through a TV screen

Miles: what did he mean by that?

Sam: don't worry about what he says man, he dosent usually lie about threats but I'm sure he just said it to spit at us

The three then exit the room as they head back the park but they get a call from ganke

Ganke: guys!, Hailey texted me, fisks men are attacking cj walker park

Sam: I thought they were out of commission?

Ganke: some were scatted around the neighborhood, you guys gotta hurry

Miles: were on it

The three swing to the park as they see fisks men firing around the park, the three spiders swing in as they attack the thugs

Sam: so y'all trying to spin the block now?!

Sam said as he kicks a thug into the air as miles leaped towards him and threw him back onto the ground

Miles: should've stayed away from my neighborhood

We cut to Gwen sliding under a thug as she scratches his thigh causing him to fall to his knees, Gwen then kicks him across the face which knocks him out

We cut to Sam dodging a thugs attack as he charges up his fist and punches him into the air as he shoots dark webs at him and slams him back onto the ground

After a few minutes of fighting, the spiders had taken out all the thugs as they web them up in the middle of the park, that was until haily approaches them as she taps miles's shoulder and they turn around and haily speaks in sign language

Hailey: (spider man, I gotta thank you guys)

Miles: don't worry about it

Hailey: (I mean it, there's been a spider man protecting new York since I was a kid, but to have three of them here, who cares about me, my home)

Miles: it's my home too

Miles said as Hailey smiles and takes off her scarf and wraps it around miles's neck

Hailey: (I'm case you get cold while your swinging, it looks better on you than it did on me)

Miles: hehe, I doubt that...bye haily

Miles says as Hailey watches the three of them leave but miles turn around to look at her

Miles: hope to see you again

Miles says as the three swing away

Hailey: (me too)

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