Chp 45: "back on the hunt"

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Currently we see the three spiders swinging from building to building until they get a call from George

Peter: captain, were you able to get a hold of Yuri?

George: no, but I might have a lead on where she could've gone, I just got a report of gunfire at the bar with no name, that's gotta be her

Sam: were on it

George hangs up as the three hurry over to the bar with no name, after a few minutes of swinging the three make it as the door was open, they slowly enter as they see the whole place was destroyed

Gwen: this....this must've been a brutal fight

Sam: no kidding...

The three see multiple dead body's and burn marks on them

Peter: this couldn't have been Yuri...

Sam: I've never seen her lose control like this, it's scary...

That was until Sam spotted something in a corner as he saw it was thumper and picked him up

Sam: thumper!, Can't believe you survived all this little dude

Peter then hears a phone ring as he picks it up, Sam and Gwen join him as they see it was s call from Vinny

Gwen: a call from Vinny?

Peter: I'll blend in my voice

Peter says as he picks up and puts on a poor Italian accent

Peter: uhh, hello?

Vinny: Gino, where the hell have you been?, Lady cop just lit up the where house on third

Peter: lady, cop?

Vinny: yeah wat-watanabe or whatever, she wrecked the joint, I'm dropping my injured at mercy general then meeting the main crew to get ready for tonight

Peter: ready for....what's happening tonight again?

Vinny: bro, you hit your head or something?, The big show!, Boss wants everyone sharp, get your ass in gear and meet us at the rally point

Vinny says as he hangs up

Sam: big show?, Hammerhead is probably planning something with the Dons

Gwen: but what?

Peter: I think our best bet is tracking this Vinny guy, we should hurry over to mercy general

The two nod as they follow Peter and swing over to mercy general, Gwen notices that Sam was a bit quite as she asked what was wrong

Gwen: you good Sam?

Sam: when Yuri left the precinct, she said she was going to "teach a lesson in fear", that's not the part that scares me though, it was the look on her face

Peter: I've seen that look on alot of criminals, but never a police officer

Gwen: eversince the raid in Harlem she's acted different, I hope Dad can get through to her once they meet again

The three make it to mercy general as they run a trace of all cellphone usage in the area, the three split as they search for Vinny, Sam was crawling on the building wall as he was scanning phones from the otherside of the building wall, a few minutes pass as Sam catches a match and finds Vinny, Sam then contacts Peter and Gwen

Sam: guys I found him

Peter: good job, were on our way

The three regroup as they follow Vinny and spot him leaving the building

Gwen: so according to this guy, hammerhead is planning a show tonight, but I doubt it'll be on any brodway

Sam: come on Vinny, you're our only hope

The three spot Vinny enter a car as they follow him from afar

Peter: since hammerhead kidnapped the other Dons he's been quite, my guess is it has something to do with them

Sam: he might be planning to kill them somehow

Gwen: that would be my bet, we just gotta get to him before Yuri does and see if my dad can reason with her

After a few minutes of tailing Vinny's car they end up at shipping yard in the docs

Sam: this is probably the spot where the main crew is meeting up

Peter: Gwen, try eaves dropping and see if you can get anymore details on tonight's big show

Gwen: got it, tap into my annaliticts

Gwen says as the spider men connect to her pov and Gwen turns invisible as she swings down into the thugs conversation

So far they had gotten information on the show going down at a construction site on the west side at Hudson yards at 9:00 o'clock, after getting thyre information they start to quietly take out the thugs to make sure they don't show up for the show, they regroup

Peter: okay that's everyone

Sam: and the show starts at nine, all we gotta do is wait

The three went to grab a bit for the time until the show starts, that was until they get a call from miles

Miles: hey guys...

Sam: hey man, you good?

Miles: uhh...w-why do you ask?

Sam: oh that's right, we didn't cover Spidey sense yet, Gwen put that on the list for his next lesson

Gwen: already on it

Miles: uhh, yeah no I'm fine, I'm just at general

Peter: your at the hospital?!, Why?, What happened?!, Did someone come after you?!

Gwen: are you guys okay?!

Miles: no no no nothing like that it's just...uhh, I uhh kinda jumped off a bridge....

Sam/Peter/Gwen: WHAT??!!

Miles: I a Queens...

Sam: are you okay?!, Ill swing by to get you

Miles: no no no man I'm totally fine, well...I broke a toe, did you guys know that there's nothing that they can do for that?, They just kinda....wish you luck

Peter: miles, you can't be doing stuff like that

Miles: I know that now

Peter: I'm serious, you may have powers but you're not indestructible, trust me

Sam: yeah man, you gotta treat you're powers like you treat a woman

Gwen: go on...

Sam: huh?...

Gwen: how should he treat them...?

Sam: well treat em with respect and love them like a person, basically treat them like a loved one since thyre apart of your life now

Gwen: hehe, well your not wrong there love

Sam chuckles as he speaks to miles

Sam: we'll meet up again this weekend for another lesson

Miles: okay thanks man

Peter: feel better kiddo

Gwen: get well soon miles

Sam: see ya man

Miles hangs up as they check the time to see it was almost nine, they finish thyre food as they mask up and swing over to the scene

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