Chp 35: "Cats out of the bag"

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Currently we see a light shining onto an evidence board

MJ: Mary Jane Watson, associate editor, my sources are saying the magias mounting a comeback, the old crime family's were all but wiped out until Fisk went away and started filling the void, the old dons were working harmoniously for years but now that there's a power vacuum...theres bown to be a power struggle, its only a matter of time before one if the families make a move on the others, better follow up with my sources in the force, hopefully we can stop this crime comeback before it even starts

The light cuts off as we fade to black

Currently we see the three spiders perched on a rooftop as they were looking out into the city, that was until MJ calls them

MJ: hey guys, I'm working on a story you guys might be interested in

Gwen: whatchu got MJ?

Peter: is it the Oscorp exposè?

MJ: new one, it's about the Magia of crime families

Sam: ooh the Magia, they've been around for years, what are they up to?

MJ: well with Fisk and the demons gone, La cosa nostra is making a comeback

Peter: I love it when you talk dirty

MJ: easy tiger, so you know the feds raided the Magia last month?

Peter: sure

MJ: well one of the dons had this lost masterpiece painting called "the maria", and now thyre displaying it over at Manhatten mocha

Sam: and...?

MJ: and I have a source who says that one of the families is planning to steal it back, tonight

Gwen: sounds like there's more to the story then just some art theft

Sam: we'll swing by and see what's up

The three spiders swing thyre way over to the museum as they see multiple crime family members trying to break in

Peter: MJ, looks like your source was right, theres a small army of goons trying to break in, stay on the line while we take a closer look

MJ: just be careful, if those guys are Magia, they play for keeps

The three swing in closer as they were hiding and plain sight

Thug 1: hurry up, come on, boss wants that painting we should've been in and out by now

Thug 2: you wanna try?, Be my guest

Sam: they must be on a deadline at this hour

Gwen: let's take them out first so we'll have more time to investigate

Peter: sounds like a plan

The three spiders split as they take out the thugs quietly, after a few minutes of sneaking around and taking out the thugs they all regroup

Peter: I know some of these guys, that's Frederico frezeili and sal patrillo

Gwen: those names...aren't they apart of hammerheads crime family?

MJ: but, why would he want the maria, doesn't seem like his thing

Sam: well every villian always has a reason

Peter: let's look around, make sure no one got in through anywhere else, we'll let you know if we find anything MJ

Peter says as he hangs up and the three look around the place for a bit, Sam was at the top of the building until he noticed a part of the skylight was cut open and moved to the side, Sam calls the other two over as they regroup and look at the cut entrance

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