Chp 72: "To the rescue/ A change"

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Currently we see Sam and Gwen swinging to Trinity church, once they make it they then see damage on the roof, Sam spotted what looks like a piece of miles suit as he picks it up

Sam: something definitely happened, I think I try to track the gps signal in his suit by scanning this material

Gwen: since when could you do that

Sam: I've been messing around with the analytics in my mask, if you want I could see if I can improve yours sometime

Gwen: maybe, for now let's try to find miles

Sam scans the material as a match appears on his map

Sam: I might have a lock

Gwen: where is he?

Sam: let me second..

Sam runs a diagnostic as he finds a definite match

Sam: yes!, i found him

Gwen: where?

Sam: somwhere under the subway a Roxxon facility?

Gwen: Roxxon?, Wait....Roxxon probably found out somehow that miles was gonna meet phin, so they planned an ambush and captured them both

Sam: probably, let's hurry and try to keep up with them

Sam and Gwen then swing away as they try to locate the Roxxon facility

After an hour of searching the two were crawling through a subway system, they then find a ventalation system as they enter and crawl through

Gwen: Sam, what if we get there and we only find miles's suit?

Sam: we won't, we're gonna find him and bring him home

Sam said as they heard noises down the ventilation system, the two crawled faster as the exit the ventalation system only to see miles taking out some roxxon troopers, he takes care of the last one and phin follows him

Sam: told you

Sam and Gwen crawl on the walls as they approach the two

Phin: okay, I'm shorting the maglock, I need you to trigger the override back there

Miles: on it

Miles went to the back room but he felt something tap his shoulder as he shouted from suprise

Miles: WOAH!!

Sam: sorry, sorry sorry

Miles: Sam?!

Miles quickly covers his mouth as phin looks back in confusion

Phin: Sam?....wait when did you guys get here?!

Phin asked as Gwen and Sam hopped off the wall

Gwen: miles disappeared off our radar, we got worried so we came to help him

Miles: howed you guys find us?

Sam: I ran a diagnostic on tracking your suits material

Miles: huh....

Phin: you said Sam, so you must be the guy from the Christmas party, abs you must be his girlfriend?

Sam: well there's no hiding it now

Phin: I knew there was something weird about you two, anyway you showed up in time, I need on of you to trigger the override so I can get the door open

Sam: why don't we just use muscle?

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