The people next to the two of us on our left were Ingrid and Aitana, but these two are in an engaged and animated conversation about a series. On our right were Esmee Brugts and Frido, who also kept the conversation going.

- Hey, are you okay? - Alexia whispers, Her hazel eyes held my gaze.
I already had my typical glass of wine, so I took a sip and placed the glass on the table.

Nobody was paying much attention to our presence, at least not the people sitting next to us, thank God, however we continued talking in a way that only we could hear.

- Yup, why wouldn't I be? - I tell her and she looks at me with a slight wrinkle in her eyebrows.

She seems uncomfortable with my answer, but doesn't say anything else either.

- So, Laportita, Lucy was saying some things about her time in France and she mentioned that you also followed Lyon games, but you were always a culé, right? - Pina exclaims, attracting the attention of the majority, despite the noise, many people were curious about the question.

- Yes, I never supported any team other than Barcelona, ​​the reason I followed some Lyon games was because I was dating one of their players, just for that. - This information shocked some people, as the silence that followed after I said the sentence was quite enlightening. - I would never watch another team's game for no reason.

- So you actually dated a Lyon player? - Ingrid asks directly, I like her because she is direct and not afraid to ask questions.

- Unfortunately, yes, she is not someone worth mentioning, before you ask who she is.

- Oh you can say her name, we can avenge you in the next Barcelona vs Lyon. - Pina insists with firm and fierce eyes, she really hates the French team.

- She's not even a starter, you don't have to worry. - Lucy answers for me, she is the only one who knows the real reason for the breakup, and clearly she created contempt for her ex-teammate.

Jana looked like she was about to ask another question, but Alexia interrupted her.

--Okay, in the next confrontation with Lyon, we will have other things to worry about, and stop asking questions about Isabel's personal life. She already said that that person didn't deserve to be mentioned. - She doesn't speak in a harsh tone or with a firm voice, she speaks calmly because she knows that she doesn't need to show authority for her teammates to listen.

Alexia didn't need to say it twice, the team quickly changed the subject, asking me about my jewelry brand.

Ingrid and Mapi were the most interested, they both have great taste in fashion and knowing that they already knew and liked my brand made me happy and fulfilled.

Luckily the rest of the dinner went well, the food was amazing and the girls kept me laughing all night.

I loved seeing them sharing stories about the last Champions League and I'm loving knowing that I'll be able to follow them in this season's Champions League.

Not to mention the wine, Alexia was right, the wine here is incredible.

Not long after the first people left, Alexia and I decided to go too.

- Huh? Why do they go together? I didn't know they lived close to each other. - Despite attempts to silence her, I could still hear Sandra Paños' voice questioning her other teammates.

Once again ignoring everything and everyone, Alexia and I made our way to the car.

Of course, before that, we said goodbye to everyone, at least those who were still present, which weren't many.

End Game | A.P Where stories live. Discover now