Heists & Identities

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Kokichi, Rantaro, and Kaito are detectives. Every so often and interesting case happens to appear - and now they have one involving a mysterious phantom thief.

"So he calls himself," Rantaro flipped over the dossier of folders again, "A phantom thief?"

"It's certainly pretentious." Kaito chimed in, "I mean, leaving notes at the crime scene? What kinda thief does that? It's like they're trying to get caught."

"I dunno, I think it's pretty clever," Kokichi spoke up from the corner of the room, still looking at the criminal's facial composite, "Also ew, who's making these composites?"

Rantaro looked over at them, he thought they were pretty decent. Considering they had practically no eye-witnesses (someone who was on the other side of the road allegedly saw them) and had to use the details of the break in to build a profile. "Our usual guy... what's wrong with them?"

"They- look," Kokichi squinted at one again, then brandished it, "They've given him a mullet. It's almost as bad as Kaito's hair!"

"What's wrong with my hair?"

"Nishsishi, what isn't wrong with your-"

"-Kaito, Kokichi," Rantaro interrupted, "We're detectives. Solving a case, leave this 'till we're off work, please?"

Moving into a more normal sitting position, Kokichi set aside the photos and began to reach for the evidence case, "Only cause you said please, y'know."

"Yeah, our bad Rantaro," Kaito apologised, "Geez, I'm no good at thievery cases."

"Don't beat yourself up too much Kaito, you're still one of the best detectives here," Rantaro smiled, "They wouldn't give this case to just anyone."

"Yeah, they gave it to Shuichi." Kaito voiced the concern Rantaro had, "He's our best detective, and he dropped the case, he dropped it!"

Kokichi looked up at this, "Well, our beloved Saihara is wanted a lot, y'know. They've probably sighed him over to a murder case or something boring."

"I think he got my case," Rantaro said, "Shouldn't be too hard, it was pretty clear. He mainly needs to sort out the official stuff."

"Oh, your murder one?" Kokichi lit up, "Y'know, I just finished a murder case too - want to know what the creepiest thing about it was?"

Kaito scoffed slightly, "No."

"Awww, c'mon."

"Still no dude."

"But it's suuuuuper creepy," Kokichi had spun his chair towards Kaito now, coming steadily closer, "C'mon!"

"Fine," Rantaro broke the stalemate, "What was it, Kokichi?"

"My Rantaro cares about me!" Kokichi briefly stopped staring at Kaito to throw his boyfriend a grin, "Ok. The creepiest thing was the murder's looks. He had a goatee!"

So used to it by now, Kaito didn't even respond, instead flicking over the evidence and staring hard at it. Kokichi kept the eye-contact for a beat longer before also going back to his work, trying to figure out where the thief would strike next. The three worked in harmony for a while, only stopping to briefly check something with a team member or going to get something to eat. Kokichi had, rather impressively, avoided any coffee so far - although he was steadily eating an entire packet of sweets. Grape flavoured ones, of course. Rantaro still had yet to work out if his boyfriend actually liked them, or if he chose them because no-one else liked them. Both were equally as likely.

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