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Everything can get too much for Kokichi, that's expected. What he doesn't expect is for someone to care for him, and to come after him - but someone does anyway. Rantaro does try to be a good boyfriend, afterall.

Prompt : Haven

Not many people knew where the 'Ultimate Supreme leader' escaped too when he was feeling stressed, when something had become too much for him. They all wondered how he was so good at hiding, of course, but they didn't know he was barely hiding at all - he was just in a place no-one would look. Even Rantaro wouldn't have thought to look there, something which he was ashamed to admit. He should've been able to guess where his boyfriend would hide, but he couldn't.

Rantaro tried not to dwell on it too much, at least. There was a small part of him that wondered if Kokichi had told him to keep Rantaro himself from moping. And it did stress Rantaro out, not knowing where his boyfriend was... an aspect of him being missing that always worried Rantaro, no matter the environment.

The fact both of them were in a vicious killing game probably didn't help either. Looking around, Rantaro slowly closed the door to Kokichi's room - so he wasn't in there. Therefore, he must be up in his hiding spot. His safe haven was what Rantaro called it. Kokichi said that was cringy and made him out to be some nervous teenager. Rantaro had retorted that he was just a teenager. Then Kokichi had flicked a bit of pocky at his face, and in the laughter that followed the two forgot about it.

Walking up the stairs, Rantaro eventually stood outside Kirumi's room. It was difficult to know what he should say to comfort Kokichi... especially after the double murder. You couldn't exactly walk in and say, 'hey - two of your friends have just got killed, but smile anyway?'.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked twice on the door - like he always did when he was going to see Kokichi's room. Rantaro patiently waited for a second, so Kokichi could tell him to leave, but no denial came - so Rantaro walked in. Looking around, the table seemed inconspicuous; its long, pristine drapes falling neatly to the floor. But now, Rantaro knew Kokichi was under there.

Walking up to the table, Rantaro could hear Kokichi's breathing. It was steady, but unnaturally so - he recognized it as a breathing technique he'd taught Kokichi. Bending down on his knees, Rantaro tried to put a reassuring expression on his face before moving his hand to lift the underside of the sheet. Almost as soon as his hand was next to the cloth, he felt Kokichi's hand suddenly reach out and it.

Smiling slightly, Rantaro briefly adjusted his grip so they could both be comfortable. But he couldn't deny how great it was to be loved, to be wanted like this. Before he reached for the cloth again, Rantaro asked, "Can I come in?"

"Yea, whatevs." Kokichi tried to sound aloof, even if the effect was slightly ruined by the death-grip he had on Rantaro's hand.

"Thanks." Rantaro's response was brief but sincere, and he reached his other hand under the tablecloth to briefly pull it up. Kokichi was immediately revealed, sitting cross-legged and silently waiting for Rantaro to join him. Eyes looking around, before settling on Rantaro and lighting up ever-so-slightly.

Moving forward, Rantaro joined him under there, feeling the curtain settle into place. For a minute or so, the two of them simply sat there - enjoying each other's company, even while being silent. Eventually, while still holding Kokichi's hand, Rantaro looked into Kokichi's eyes. "Are you better now?"
"Eh, probably." Kokichi made a lazy shrugging motion with his shoulders, "It's better with you."

Rantaro smiled back at him, "Life's better with you, too."

"Well," Kokichi let himself smile slightly, "Misery does love company."

"Hey- which one of us are you calling miserable?"

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