My Juliet (my Romeo)

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Rantaro waits for his boyfriend, eager to find out if he got the role he's been practicing so hard for. What is the play, you may ask? The perfect one for lovers; Romeo and Juliet.

"So, how's he done?"

Rantaro looked up at Shuichi, for a second only blinking as he registered the question. Then he smiled sheepishly, "I, ah-" he brought his hand to the back of his head, "-Don't actually know. The auditions got delayed by an hour, 'Kichi should be about half way through his."

"Oh, sorry," Shuichi looked down, "Kaede wanted to know. And, I did too."

"Kaede's being part of the band for this year's show, right?"

Shuichi's eyes lit up at the mention of her, "She's leading the group, actually. Ms. Shirley approached her after auditions."

"That's great!" Rantaro smiled, hoping his words showed that he was genuine. "I hope Kokichi gets just as good news."

"He's great at acting," Shuichi declared firmly, "What role is he going for again?"

"Mercutio." Rantaro supplied, "He's great at it."

"Careful," Shuichi tried to tease, "You're blushing."

"I'm daydreaming," Rantaro corrected, "He's talented enough to go far, and he is my boyfriend."

"I can tell," Shuichi's gaze fell on the bouquet of kniphofia, clutched tightly in Rantaro's hand and accompanied by a love-y message.

"What can I say? I'm a romantic," Rantaro looked down at them as well, "And they symbolise good luck."

"Shouldn't you have given them to him before the show?"

"Kokichi said I should save any Romeo moments for after," Rantaro looked fond for a second, "And that he wasn't auditioning for Juliet."

"Wasn't he planning to, at one point?"

Rantaro looked almost sheepishly down, "Only while I was thinking of being Romeo."

"I can imagine you as Romeo," Shuichi offered.

"I can imagine Kokichi as Juliet." Rantaro said, "We really would've been the cliche theatre couple, wouldn't we?"

"Well, you're still preeetty much a theatre kid, 'Taro."

Kokichi's voice sounded from across the room, with an almost forced cheerfulness that made Rantaro's heart drop. Looking at his boyfriend, Rantaro saw his slightly red eyes - hallmark of crying, and recent crying at that. Moving forward, Rantaro tried to soften his voice, "'Kichi, how was it?"

"It-it," Kokichi suddenly broke off, moving swiftly into Rantaro's arms and snuggling into them. Rantaro could feel his warmth, and immediately he closed his arms around his boyfriend - hugging him tightly, trying to protect him. Rantaro could feel his boyfriend's warmth, his boyfriend sniffling, his boyfriend... smiling.

"You little-" Rantaro cut their embrace short, glaring down at Kokichi, "You got the role, didn't you?"

"Yup!" Kokichi's eyes were shining, and his smile was incredibly infectious, "Can I have my congratulatory kiss now?"

"Your-" Rantaro blinked in confusion, before cutting himself off. Just as he was about to try and say something charming, Kokichi suddenly leaned into him - pulling him down slightly and kissing him. Sparks lit up in Rantaro, and a feeling of pure happiness settled in himself - just as Kokichi's kisses always made him feel.

Pulling away, if breathing slightly heavily, Kokichi looked up at him, "And that is why I wasn't Juliet."

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