S: Of course, of course, I'm very proud of you - I replied amused.

I joined him on the couch to give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled like a child. That guy, I swear...

S: Pass the controller - I asked determinedly as I saw the next round starting.

HJ: If you get first place, you get a massage.

S: Oh god.

I didn't say anything, too focused on trying to win this round. Hyunjin tried to destabilize me by talking nonsense, tickling me, or giving me kisses everywhere.

S: Nooo!!!

HJ: Loooser!! - he exclaimed laughing to mock me.

S: Fuck, I was so close!

HJ: Too bad. No massage...

I turned my head towards him with a sad face. Really sad. I pouted, looking at him with pleading eyes.

HJ: Stop, don't make that face. You know it works every time you little rascal.

Without saying anything, I intensified the expression on my face.

HJ: Come on, lie down.


I did what he said and he started massaging me like a god, sitting on my thighs.

S: Aaaaawh...

I heard him let out a laugh.

S: Mmmmmmmm....

HJ: Stop with your loud noises - he laughed.

S: Buht it feewls so goooodhh... - I said without articulating, face buried in the couch cushion.

HJ: You're too fun, damn it - he said chuckling.

S: Mmmmm...

HJ: Come on, I'm done! - he said patting my butt after massaging me for a few minutes.

S: Thaaanwks... - I replied lying flat on the couch.

HJ: You're taking up all the space, my love. Where am I supposed to sit now?

S: Soowwy... - I said slowly getting up like a spaghetti.

We sat side by side on the couch. He started playing the console again while I picked up my phone, noticing notifications on the screen.


Wet Mingi
Guys, I almost ran over a granny driving

Hongjoong's a tease
Tell me you didn't break your wrist again while braking like that time there was a wild boar on the road

Wet Mingi
Nah dw, i think i'm getting skilled i braked smoothly like a pro

Wet Mingi
Kidding, i panicked n my face almost hit the steering wheel

San's out ☀️
Next time I come to Daegu let me know when you're driving so i don't go outside

Wet Mingi
Next time you come to Daegu you ride with me in the car and we'll run over grandmas together

San's out ☀️
That's quite a plan, can't wait for the holidays!

Yunho Gonzales
Mingi, you're a public danger

Wet Mingi
At least I managed to get my driver's license

San's out ☀️

Yunho Gonzales
Are you looking for troubles, Wet Mingi?

San's out ☀️
Yunho i'd fight if i were you

Yunho Gonzales
You stop trying to stir up trouble or you'll be the one i hit

San's out ☀️
Yes please 😏😏

Yunho Gonzales
Ohw 😏😏

San's out ☀️

Yunho Gonzales

Wet Mingi

San's out ☀️
Lmaoooo Mingi

Wet Mingi
💦💦 ↪️
Yunho Gonzales

Yunho Gonzales
You disgust me

Wet Mingi
You and San r the gross perverts here

San's out ☀️
Hey! Show some respect for our love!

Yunho Gonzales
You really wanna fight Gigi

Jongorilla little sailor
Shut up with all your notifs you nuisances

Conclusion of Chapter 20: Four years have passed.


I think this is the first conclusion that's really a conclusion lmao

Your reactions to this chapter? :s What do you think about the four years gap?

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