"While our first objective is to eradicate the CIS forces, every group will be searching for Poggle the lesser as a secondary objective." you added.

Luminara glanced at you, acknowledging the plan. "It seems logical. We must move swiftly to eradicate any remaining pockets of resistance and locate Poggle the Lesser before they regroup."

As the plan took shape, Barriss Offee, Luminara's Padawan, stepped forward. Her blue eyes, filled with determination, met yours. "Master Unduli, I wish to join Lord (S/N)'s group."

Luminara raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Barriss, are you sure?"

Barriss nodded, her resolve unwavering. "I believe there is much I can learn from Lord (S/N). The tactics, the strategy—the way he commands on the battlefield is... different. I want to understand that difference, Master."

Luminara's gaze shifted between you and Barriss, a subtle smile playing on her lips. "Very well, Barriss. If this is what you feel is necessary for your growth, I trust Lord (S/N). Go with him, and may the Force guide you both."

Barriss offered a respectful bow to her Master before turning to you. "I'm ready, Lord (S/N)."

You inclined your head in acknowledgment. "Very well, Barriss. Welcome to the fold."

As Barriss joined your side, Luminara couldn't help but show a rare hint of shyness. "Take care of my Padawan, Lord (S/N). She is precious to me."

You met Luminara's gaze with a confident smirk. "Rest assured, Luminara. Barriss is in capable hands."

With the groups assigned and roles clarified, the strategic meeting concluded. Each leader set off to prepare their respective teams for the final cleanup on Geonosis.

The moonlit night provided an eerie backdrop as your group, clad in the distinctive black armour, moved silently through the rocky terrain towards the first outpost. The distant hum of machinery and the occasional screech of a Geonosian creature filled the air, creating an atmosphere of tension.

Your red shoto lightsaber glowed menacingly in the darkness, a stark contrast to the subdued hues of the surrounding landscape. Barriss, now at your side, mirrored your agile steps, her own lightsaber humming as she anticipated the imminent clash.

As the outpost came into view, dimly lit by harsh spotlights, you signalled for the group to halt. The plan was simple—engage the droid forces swiftly, eliminating any resistance, and then proceed to search for any valuable intel regarding Poggle the Lesser.

Barriss stood poised, her aggression palpable. You could sense her eagerness to prove herself, not just to her Master but to you as well. The red mask hid your expressions, but your eyes locked onto Barriss as if assessing her readiness.

The first wave of battle droids emerged from the outpost, their mechanical forms glinting in the artificial light. Without hesitation, you ignited your lightsaber and dove into the fray, a whirlwind of crimson blades cutting through the metallic foes.

Barriss followed suit, her movements aggressive and precise. Her blue lightsaber danced through the air, deflecting blaster bolts and striking down droids with a controlled fury. It was evident that your training had left its mark on her, shaping her into a formidable warrior. Amidst the chaos, Barriss displayed a newfound confidence. She moved seamlessly between offense and defence, seamlessly integrating the techniques you had imparted to her. The once reserved Padawan now fought with a fire that burned brightly, fuelled by a desire to prove herself.

As you fought side by side, you observed Barriss closely. Her connection to the Force was undeniable, and she wielded it with a newfound intensity. In the brief pauses between clashes, you could hear her controlled breaths, a testament to her commitment to the battle. The battle raged on, and Barriss demonstrated an uncanny ability to read the ebb and flow of the skirmish. Her lightsaber technique, a blend of the traditional Jedi form and the unorthodox methods you favoured, showcased a unique style that caught the attention of both allies and enemies alike.

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