The mythical rebel

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The next evening, Beritus visited Ethan in his room, finding him packing bags. Confused, Beritus asked, "Where are you going? Why are you packing? Are you leaving the palace?"

Ethan, smiling while packing, replied, "Yep, I'm leaving the palace. I'm done with my packing, and I'm packing stuff for you because you're coming with me."

Curiosity etched on Beritus's face, he questioned, "Just yesterday, you were saying you'll obey your father's words. Now, you're leaving the kingdom. What the hell are you thinking, bud?"

Ethan, adopting a superior tone, explained, "I never said I'm not going to the forest. The thing is, I still have a month, and we both know there's a chance I might not come back. So, I'm not spending my last month in the darkness of this well-lighted palace. I'm going on a journey to nearby kingdoms. Sounds adventurous, doesn't it? And you're coming with me."

Beritus, with a small laugh, remarked, "Well, that sounds like a happy suicide plan, and I'm in it, buddy."

Ethan, pretending to be offended, said, "Son of a... I was expecting some empathy for my last month tour from you."

Beritus teased, "So now, this rebellious prince is trying to be a wannabe sympathy seeker. It doesn't suit you, grizzly prince."

Ethan nodded and said, "So, according to the plan, we're leaving tonight. I'll leave a note, and then both of us will vanish from this place."

Beritus gave a skeptical look and commented, "Sounds like a rookie's plan, you dumbass. At night, most of the security is at the palace to face intruders. The best time would be after 30 minutes when the shifts are changing, and guards are switching places. There will be some blind spots at that time."Ethan, with an approving look, remarked, "Were you trying to leak secrets of the palace, making it easier for enemies to get in? You really know a lot about security."

Beritus, responding with a cool smile, stated, "Well, you're not the only one getting training all the time. My father is a general and in charge of security too. As his descendant, he trained me to fight and master formations. As for security, I learned it myself by studying patterns because I wanted to be better."

Ethan teased, "Look who's trying to look like a genius. You've grown pants, and I'm buying into your plan. Resisting the urge to put a dagger to your knife after that explanation. Let's get out of the room. It's time to leave."

Beritus nodded, "We're going to leave through the window."

Ethan agreed, and they both jumped out of the window. Everything went smoothly until they reached the main entrance, where they saw two special league guards.

Beritus pulled Ethan aside and said, "Seems like we're just a minute late. What should we do now? We need an immediate plan."

Ethan smirked and said, "I have a plan. We'll attack the guards from behind, knock them out, and leave through the entrance. It'll be easier because they'll never expect someone to attack them from inside the palace."

Beritus hesitated for a moment and then said, "Everything for your death wish, buddy."

They both jumped at the same moment, attacking the pressure points of the guards, rendering them unconscious. As they ran out, Beritus stopped and threw his bags at Ethan.

Ethan caught the bags and whispered, "What are you doing? Come on!"

Beritus ran to the gate, rang the emergency bell, and then joined Ethan.They both ran, and while running, Ethan asked, "Why did you ring the bell and announce that we left?"

Beritus replied with a smirk, "Well, the entrance guards are knocked out, so security will replace them when they find out. The bell is for the announcement that my friend is leaving at his own will. It's the alarm for starting your adventure."

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