Healing hearts

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The next day, when Negarice opened his eyes, he  met with the somber presence of a stranger, Master Erwik, who had been assigned to guide and protect him. Confusion and grief gripped the young prince as he blinked away the sleep. He looked at the unfamiliar face and inquired, "Who are you, and why hasn't my father returned yet? Why was my mother covered in red when the guards brought me here?"

The weight of the unanswered questions bore heavily upon Negarice's heart. His voice trembled with emotion, and his eyes glistened with unshed tears. He desperately sought explanations for the sudden absence of his parents.

Master Erwik, a man with deep, knowing eyes, hesitated for a moment before responding, "I am an old friend of your father, King Aldric. We shared our youth, learning and growing together. Your parents were truly exceptional individuals, and they are in a better place now, closer to God."

Negarice furrowed his brow in confusion and sorrow. His voice cracked as he pressed for more answers, "So, they're not coming back? Did they just leave me here all alone? Why? My father promised he would return. Why did he leave in the middle of the night?" Tears streamed down his cheeks, and his young heart ached with the grief of loss.

Erwik, with immense compassion, gently wiped Negarice's tears and drew him close and hugged him into a comforting embrace. "Your father was indeed a great king, and he left that night to protect the people of the kingdom. Sometimes, destiny interferes, preventing us from keeping our promises. It's one of the hardest truths of life, my boy."

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Negarice found solace in Erwik's company. The wounds in his heart began to heal, although scars of grief still remained. In Erwik, Negarice not only found a guardian but a mentor and a father figure.

Over the course of the year, as they spent time together, Erwik introduced Negarice to the world of martial arts. He instilled in the young prince the discipline and the art of combat. Negarice learned to harness the power of his body and mind, forging himself into a formidable warrior.

Erwik also delved into the intricate realm of magic, explaining the art of sorcery and the delicate balance of controlling mana. The magic was a source of fascination for Negarice, who discovered within himself a natural affinity for the mystical arts.

The healing process, both physical and emotional, was a transformative journey. Under Erwik's guidance and care, Negarice was gradually piecing himself back together.

One day as the sun dipped below the horizon, the world grew dark, and strong winds began to blow. Dark clouds filled the sky, and a storm was brewing. Erwik stepped out of his house, which was at the edge of the kingdom, surrounded by tall trees. The storm was getting closer.

Erwik called out, "Where are you, Negarice? It's getting dark, and the storm is coming. Time to come inside."

From a tree, Negarice's voice came down, "I'm up here, feeling the wind getting colder."

Erwik spoke more firmly, "It's not the time to be in a tree. It's getting dark, and the storm is coming. Come down and get inside the house."

Right as Erwik finished speaking, a loud thunderclap lit up the night sky, showing everything for a moment. In that brief brightness, Erwik looked at Negarice's face. He saw the sadness in the young prince's eyes, as if he was waiting for someone who might never return.

Erwik understood that while Negarice was healing from the pain in his heart, the hurtful memories were still with him. The storm was like his emotions, a mix of sadness and anger.

Negarice climbed down from the tree, and they both went inside the house.

While they ate dinner, Erwik asked, "How did the storm make you feel?"

Negarice was surprised by the question and asked, "What do you mean?"

Erwik explained, "When we're sad, we often connect our feelings to things around us, even the weather. So, what do you think the storm was feeling?"

Negarice thought for a moment and said, "It felt like the storm was very angry. The rain was like its tears, as if it was crying for someone it knew wouldn't come back."

Erwik smiled kindly and said, "You're making progress, but there's still a part of you that wants revenge. What's stopping you from getting surrounded by the hate of revenge?"

Negarice said, "It's something I'm not ready to talk about yet. But I have another question. I found a letter in the library with your name and royal stamp and learned you used to be the army's general. Why did you leave that job?"

Erwik's face changed, and he told a sad story. "I was captured by enemy soldiers, and they wanted me to give away our kingdom's secrets and weak points of the defense. They kidnapped my wife and our six-year-old son, and when I didn't talk, they killed them. They let me go, but the memories haunted me."

Negarice smiled with a mix of sadness and understanding, "So, this is why you've always been there for me. You know what it's like to lose loved ones."

To change the topic, Negarice asked, "How long will it take for me to master your training?"

Erwik said, "You're just starting. Learning martial arts will take a long time, but because of your royal blood, you'll quickly pick up mana control. In a few months, you'll be good at it, but remember, it's just the beginning."

Afterward, Negarice turned to Erwik and asked before leaving the dining table;-

"Sometimes I wonder if a memory is something I have or something I've lost."

Erwik thought for a moment and replied, "Memories are something left behind by the people we loved. Even though they're not with us anymore, the happiness of the moments we shared will always stay with us. So, memories are like little pieces of joy within the sadness."

With that, their conversation came to a close, and both of them retired for the night.

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