The Perfect Fit

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"It's a bit tight, Tigris." said Juniper as examined the fabric that clung snuggly to her hips in the mirror.

The blonde girl's head popped up from behind a rack of half made dresses. "Do you think so?"

"Yes." chuckled the brunette "Also, I'm not sure how I feel about all these... ruffles."

"Oh, come on, Junie. Don't be a bore." said Tigris as she disappeared once more into her world of threads and patterns.

The Capitol's New Year's Ball was right around the corner and, miraculously, she had managed to book a private appointment with Panem's most coveted designer and stylist. People from all over the Capitol came flocking, willing to pay whatever price to be dressed by Tigris Snow. Though it certainly didn't hurt that she was the president's cousin, that small bit of nepotism did not take away from Tigris' skill or creativity. Juniper was willing to bet her family fortune she was going to shape the Capitol's fashion world with her vivid color and luxurious textures. 

However, Juniper was a woman of more... classic tastes. The dress her friend had put her in was an ostentatious little thing. It was an off the shoulder pink and orange ball gown, tight sleeves and bodice with golden ruffles along the neckline and skirt. It was beautiful, but loud, much more Tigris' style than Juniper's. 

The latter huffed. "I'm fine with being a bore as long as I don't have to deal with my mother's friends calling me a clown behind my back." 

"Well, I think you make a beautiful clown." The previous laughed, emerging from behind her friend to look at her through the mirror. She tapped her chin pensively. "You're right. It overwhelms you. Hmmm... let me see..."

Juniper's eyes followed the blonde as she disappeared once more this time going to the back of her shop. She sighed looking at herself once more. Perfect skin and pitch back hair cascading down her back in waves yet not one out of place. Perfect posture, perfect poise, the heir to the Frontier fortune herself. She smiled at the sight of so much order in her own reflection. It made her feel... controlled.

"So," Tigris started as she emerged with three new dresses draped over her arm. "found a date for the ball yet?"

Her friend met her coy grin with a roll of her green eyes. "So far, five."

"Hmm," said Tigris, "that's two less than last year."

"I must be getting old." Juniper joked, earning a soft laugh from the blonde.

They shared a comfortable silence as Tigris held her designs against Juniper's body, half lost in her designer's world. After a minute, Juniper spoke. "What about you? Any lucky man get to have you accompany him?"

Tigris wasn't one for dates. Though a hopeless romantic, she wasn't one to chase romance for herself. There had been one person once, she'd told her, a boy. However, due to her family's situation at the time, she'd had to leave him. Ever since then, she'd never looked for anything serious, choosing to focus on her business and attending most events solo or with a friend.

"No one interesting." She said, and Juniper didn't push.

Tigris handed her a light blue dress and signaled for her to put it on behind the curtain. Juniper did as she was told, making her way behind the thick fabric.

"Who asked you this year?" asked Tigris

"Hmmm, let's see." Juniper said as she stepped out of the bright gown. "There's Archemides Singh's son."

"Which one?"

'The mouth breather.'  Juniper thought. "The quiet one." she answered.

"Oh." Tigris said, and Juniper smiled, knowing she was thinking the same thing as her. "Who else?"

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