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When Juniper was young, she ran away from home. At least, she tried. Multiple times in fact, but none of her escape attempts were ever successful.

Her mother was one of the most powerful women ever known to Panem. A talented spy during the war, she had friends in high places. This meant she could control the uncontrollable, including her scandalous daughter. So, she shaped her like a sculptor of old would a block of marble, each day bringing her closer to perfection.

By the time she was twenty Juniper's guilded cage became her kingdom. Everyone who was anyone knew of Celeste Cross' lovely, clever daughter. Like her mother, she had gained the favor of many at the Capitol, not by displaying her strength as she did, but by displaying her 'kind disposition'. Turns out, you do catch more flies with honey.

Her destiny wasn't to get out of Panem but to go up in it. She would become like her mother; better, stronger.

The girl who longed for freedom had been replaced by a woman who longed for nothing but power. Juniper finally understood that power was the only true friend for a person like her. Love leaves. Loyalties change. But power, only destroys those weak enough to let it consume them. And Juniper Cross was many things, but weak was certainly not one of them.

Not anymore.

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